03. Rest from Worry: Is It Really Possible?

by | Aug 24, 2021 | Podcast

Do you worry? In this week’s episode we discuss the subject of worry. What it is, what it does, and how we can release it and rest from worry. I invite you to give it a listen.

But there’s much to worry about in life these days and in this world today, isn’t there? But I don’t need to tell you that, do I? No. Worry can easily be a part of our lives if we let it.

So, what is worry anyway?

Vocabulary.com defines it as a verb that means to be concerned or nervous. It comes from the Old English word, wyrgan, which means to strangle, and was later changed to mean harass and then to cause anxiety to. You probably are as familiar as I am with the feeling of being strangled with worry, right? Or harassed by worried thoughts, especially while trying to fall asleep? Or how worry fills us with anxiety. It’s a terrible feeling, isn’t it?

What do you typically worry about? I share about something I worried about over the weekend, and it’s something I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember.

Worry sometimes gets the best of me.

The thing is, we often worry about stuff we have not control over. And, it’s been said 85% of what we worry about never happens! The example I share of my worry when I was twelve years old is a perfect example of that.

The stress from worry does awful things to our bodies and brains. Because God formed us and wired us, He knows worrying isn’t good for us.

Rest From Worry: Is It Really Possible?

So, can we rest from worry?

If so, how? We can see the answer in Matthew 6:25-34 (VOICE). We walk through this answer and break it down together in the episode. According to this, I do believe we can rest from worry. But it won’t be easy and it’ll take applying this scripture to our lives, one day at a time.

Worry is not God’s best for us.

Other links in this episode:

Thank you for being here. It’s a joy to do life with you!

Rest From Worry: Is It Really Possible?
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