I knew it was time to make a change.
I couldn’t fit into many of the pants that were in my closet.
Doritos and sweets were staples in my diet.
I was tired most of the time.
My doctor mentioned I could be entering that “special season” of life as women age. And I knew what often accompanies that… weight gain, and carrying weight differently.
Plus, the reality of creating a healthy lifestyle would only become more difficult as I aged.
I knew I had to love myself enough to make a change.
I also knew I really wasn’t glorifying God with the body He gave me.
Or didn’t you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don’t you see that you can’t live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of property belonging to the spiritual part of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 MSG
Twelve weeks ago I decided it was time.
Before I share any further, however, I am pausing to clarify where my heart is here.
It’s not to point fingers or bring on guilty feelings. There’s enough stuff in the world that does that. It’s not to boast or brag. Oh, goodness no. I have nothing to boast about. Not one thing. It’s not to give suggestions or a to-do list. Many of us have a list already too long.
My heart’s desire is to simply share my journey.
I haven’t shared much of these last three months to date. I don’t know why. I guess I just don’t want to ever come across as “I’m the one who has it all together.” Because I most certainly do not.
But today is a good day to share.
Yes, twelve weeks ago, back on January 1, I made some changes.
I changed the foods I ate: I chose for one month to eliminate breads, pastas, and processed sugar from my diet. (Yikes!!)
I changed my workouts: I began to get focused on getting stronger, and changing my workouts to early morning six days a week.
I changed my sleep habits: I focused on getting seven hours of sleep each night.
Let me tell you, the first week was awful. I wanted to quit. But since a friend of mine was doing this with me, I didn’t want to let her down.
The second week was slightly better. My muscles were sore, but I didn’t feel like quitting anymore.
I began to see progress during week four. I felt stronger, and I was no longer craving the foods I was choosing not to eat.
January ended, and since I felt I had a good thing going, I decided to continue through February, and then through March.
In these twelve weeks, I’ve learned much… about food, about health, and about myself. I’ve learned what foods are good for my body, and which ones aren’t so good. I’ve learned to love exercising again, and I’ve learned compromising sleep is compromising my health.
These changes have caused our bathroom scale to be eight pounds lighter when I stand on it now, and my body is five inches less in total diameter. These changes have given me a new wardrobe, so to speak, as I’ve been able to fit into clothes I haven’t been able to wear for two years. Also, the weights I couldn’t lift months ago are now able to be used in my workouts.
Loving myself enough to make a change was one of the best things I could have done these first three months of 2016.
I’ll share more tomorrow, but as I look ahead, these changes are now just a part of my lifestyle. I plan to continue my journey to a healthier me.
Thank you for allowing me to share this piece of my journey with you.
God bless you!
I’m linking up with my Tuesday friends: Holly for #TestimonyTuesday, Crystal for #IntentionalTuesday, and Kelly for #RaRaLinkup.
Congratulations! I’m so encouraged by your example! I’ve started working on getting stronger (and lighter) as well because . . . well, because I want to be able to get out of my chair when I’m 86!
Blessings to you on this week after Easter!
I’m with you, Michele! I want to do all I can to be able to physically do what God asks me to do in the years to come. Thank you for your encouragement. It means much to me!
Julie, let me reassure you that today is definitely the day to share this, because it’s EXACTLY what I needed to read this morning! Two years ago, I went through that ‘change’ quite early. The weight gain that has accompanied it has made me feel more drained with less energy:( I’ve tried time and again to make needed changes, but even adding walking to my routine several times a week hasn’t made a big difference. I know I need to be more intentional about food choices and exercise, so hearing your story is motivation for me today. It’s never too late, right? Blessings friend!
Kristine, I am praying for you today. No, it’s never too late. I’m right there with you. Exercise wasn’t making much of a difference all last year. It wasn’t until I changed my eating that I began to see changes in my health. I was shocked in what a difference that made. I’m glad this post was timely for you. Sometimes we just need the words of someone else who is going/has gone through similar situations to inspire us to act. If there’s anything I can encourage you about, please let me know. It’ll be worth it, friend.
I am 69. I have put some weight on over the past 10 years. I feel sluggish, tired, bloated and unwell. Reading this post today, I am realizing it is the diet that I am on and the lack of exercise/getting stronger. I have intellectually known that our body is a temple and we are to take care of it, but the weak part of me ignored this and thought ” I am okay, a little weight on, what’s the big deal. I am getting old and it is to be expected right? I think not. Those are lies that I have believed. With God’s help we are going to see this through and we will get to the other side victorious and much healthier!
Thank you for your much timely post.
Betty, I’m with you. I was beginning to believe the same lies. But with God’s help, we CAN choose to live a healthier lifestyle. I’m praying for you as you do so. It’s worth it to take care of what God has given us. We know that, yet it’s not easy. So thankful this was timely for you. If there’s any encouragement I can give you, please let me know!
Good Morning Julie! It’s comforting to know we are not alone and that there are others who are on the same journey with age & weight. I’ve found it sure doesn’t take long for weight to creep back, but certainly takes longer to get it off. So for me, in January, I joined Gold’s Gym, as I do every winter. This time I signed up with a trainer twice a week for an hour for six weeks & exercised 6 out of 7 days. Oh my, I realized how out of shape I was when I became nauseous during training. I even caught myself silently praying, Jesus give me strength to get through this! Best thing I ever did for myself & off I go to the gym in my basement! Congratulations on Loving yourself enough to make the Change!
Hi Dawn! Thank you for sharing how you are loving yourself enough to make changes too! You’ve inspired me to keep going and to keep working hard. I’m glad we can do this together! Great job, friend. So proud of you!
Good for you! I am trying to make some of these same changes! You have been an inspiration today! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to hearing more tomorrow!
Hi Rachel! Thank you. Changes oftentimes aren’t easy to make, and sometimes the hardest part for me is beginning. Thanks for being here and for your encouragement!
You go friend! So proud of you. I want to make some changes for the better too. It really helps to have others who accompany with us and hold us accountable. Love you friend!
Tara, you are absolutely right… it does help to have others with us on the journey to better health. If I can encourage you in any way, please let me know!
Way to go, Julie! I love that your sharing the positive changes you’re making and I know how hard those can be. Especially cutting out carbs when we’re over 40 – it can get downright beastly. 😉 Congrats on the great results of your hard work.
Yes, Tiffany! It was beastly for me. Thanks for celebrating with me! Glad we get to journey through this life together.
So happy for you! Making changes isn’t easy.
Thank you, Laura. Making changes is not easy for many of us. I’m thankful we can encourage one another as we do so. Thanks for stopping over!
This is so awesome. I haven’t been able to make any significant changes, feeling stuck in a rut of my life’s challenges. Perhaps I don’t love myself enough. I’m working on that.
Barbie, I believe the love for ourselves gets buried under other things. At least that’s how it’s been for me. We’re busy taking care of others, and trying to stay a float in life most days, that loving ourselves is becomes least in importance. I am praying for you today. May God encourage your heart, and may He show His love to you in a very tangible way. If I can help or encourage you in any sort of specific way, please let me know. It’s one imperfect day at a time. You are loved, my friend!
Trying to make similar choices for similar reasons. And trying not to give up after this vacation week when visiting friends and family means many goals are not being followed. Thanks for the encouragement! Joining you from Testimony Tuesday.
Hi Debbie. I understand. When I take a break from eating healthy or exercising, I find I have a hard time getting back into the groove again. I pray someday this way of life will just come natural. Lifting you in prayer today. Thanks for stopping over and for sharing. I’m cheering you on!