Am I alive or am I living fully alive?

Fifteen months ago God placed upon my heart the desire to host an evening of encouragement for women. I didn’t know how it was going to look, or where it would be held, or really any details for that matter. I just knew I was to find a way to make it happen.
Unbelievably, within a week, the details took shape. With a God-inspired name, our event was scheduled! (You know God’s involved when all that happens!)
Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage was born!
Women desiring for more showed up at our first event in December 2017. Desiring more peace, more hope, more encouragement, more love, more life, more of themselves, more of others, and more of God. And, every other month, these amazing women continue to show up at our events.
God continues to show up, too.
I am in awe at what God does at these events. He has a way of hand-picking each one to attend, and what makes it even more special is that many bring friends. One dear attendee at our event on Monday night brought eleven (eleven!) friends with her.
Much happens at each table. God moves in ways we may not even see. But, afterwards I hear stories of forgiveness, grace, love, and blessing. A day or two after I spend some dedicated time reading written words of what impacted each attendee the most. And, I sit in awe and pray for each one.
It blesses me so to see how God is at work at these BYOB and B events.
We share a meal together. Smiles are a plenty and we laugh a lot. We have a ball, conversing and sharing life. We encourage one another, and dig into the Bible for God’s truth. And, at the end we take a group selfie for all who’d like to join in.

We’ve held eight events so far, and Monday night’s event was all about living fully alive.
Are we living fully alive?
Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.
Benjamin Franklin
Yeah. That quote is reality for some, isn’t it? May it not be for you and me!
Consequently, I’m devoting the next few days’ posts to this subject and will share some of what I shared at our event. It was helpful for me to take an inventory on my life and how I’m living it. I pray it’s helpful for you, too.
In the meantime, let’s ask ourselves the question:
Am I alive or am I living fully alive?
I invite you to stop back tomorrow for more.
God bless you!

To find out more about our BYOB and B events, click here or visit my BYOB and B page on my site.