The driver in the car next to you flipped you the bird for no apparent reason.
Your teenager just confirmed it with her words to you, “I hate you!”
Your spouse is detached, distant, and you’re unsure why.
Everyone was invited to the party. That is, everyone but you.
Your friend is too busy to meet you for coffee, let alone return your texts.
We all know how it feels, right? If we’ve been on this earth more than two days we’ve each experienced feelings of rejection, indifference, opposition, and lovelessness. These feelings can consume our thoughts, which affect our words, which affect our actions, which affect our lives. And, who wants to go around living life feeling unloved? You don’t, and neither do I. Been there, done that. So, what do we do?
![What do you do when you don't feel loved?](
What do we do when we don’t feel loved?
Maybe you’ve done all you can. You’ve cried, you’ve questioned, you’ve gotten upset. You’ve pleaded, you’ve promised, you’ve pretended your feelings don’t exist. Maybe you’ve retaliated, thrown a temper tantrum, or even withdrawn. Been there, done that, too.
But, we can’t make people love us, right? I’ve tried and you probably have, too. We can’t control how other people treat us, correct? We know no matter what we do, what we say, or how we act, we can’t control the behavior of another. Nor can we make others’ words, their actions, their responses to us be what we want or desire.
The thing is, though, it’s impossible to feel loved at all times if we look to receive this love from the people we do life with. It’s impossible. People will let us down. They just will. (Just like when you and I unintentionally let others down.)
So, if we can’t feel loved all the time by others, what can you and I do when we don’t feel loved today? Is there anything we can do? Yes. Friend, a better source of the love we’re looking for exists. A love that will never let you or me down. A love that’s constant, no matter what we do, say, or think. And, the best news of all? It’s available to each one of us, right this very minute.
When we don’t feel loved, let’s look to the Love that’s waiting for us.
God’s love. His unconditional, undivided, unending love. He won’t force it upon you, but with open arms God is waiting for you to accept His love. Friend, there’s nothing like it. You don’t have to clean up to receive it. You don’t have to say certain words or do certain things to accept it. All it takes is to believe it, receive it, and live in it. He just wants to show you how much He loves you.
We have experienced and we have entrusted our lives to the love of God in us. God is love. Anyone who lives faithfully in love also lives faithfully in God, and God lives in him.
1 John 4:16 MSG
Maybe you’ve already accepted God’s love, and for some reason, it’s gone stale. Maybe it’s been awhile since you felt His love like you once used to. Or quite possibly, you’ve been looking for love in other places and have forgotten the love that fills you to overflowing. Friend, return to His love. Receive it and live in it right now.
God told them, “I’ve never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!
Jeremiah 31:3 MSG
Love from people will let us down; God’s love never will.
We’ll be discussing this and more at our next BYOB and B (Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage) evening of encouragement on Thursday, February 13, in Cedar Rapids. If you’re local to me, I invite you to this special girls’ night out, when we as God’s girls gather together the evening before Valentine’s Day for dinner, connection, and uplifting truth. We’ll learn how to live loved, even when we don’t feel loved. You won’t want to miss this one. Click here for tickets and additional details.
Living Loved
![Living Loved](
And, if you’re not local to me, stay tuned! We’re looking into ways we can take this message outside of The Venue’s walls.
Friend, let’s allow God’s love to fill us, to encourage us, to bless us, and to help us love others better.
So, the next time someone in traffic flips you or me the bird, we can remember we are loved by God, Himself.
Will you pray with me?
Father God, I thank you for your love. I don’t necessarily understand how you can love me like you do, but I thank you. I accept your love and desire to live loved by You today. Your love is complete, and it never lets me down. Your love is what I need today and every day. Remind me of it on the days I don’t feel loved by others. Remind me to share Your love with those around me. Help me to live loved every moment of today. Thank you. I love you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.