Hi friend! Welcome to May! This morning I officially welcome this new month into my life. Yes, I know I’m a day late, but better late than never, right? Yes, we’ve crossed over into a new month, with new experiences, with new opportunities, with new blessings. As I think about it, May might just be my favorite month. What’s yours?
Many years ago our daughter was born in May. The weather in Iowa becomes warmer, sunshinier, and a bit more exhilarating than the past few months. (Yay!) Life emerges in my flower beds and on our trees, and as a bonus, I get to plant my annuals in May. It’s also the month we hit the biking trails with a passion and train for our summer rides.

However, I expect this May might be a bit different than most. I mean, we’re still in distancing and isolating mode in our county in Iowa. As of yesterday, some Iowa counties are able to relax restrictions. Some have permission to open up bars, shops, and restaurants. But, not ours. We are to continue doing what we’ve done for the last 49 days. (Yes, today is Day 49 of distancing and isolating.)
So, yes, May might look differently this year.
This doesn’t mean, however, that you and I need to put life on hold. No.
It doesn’t mean you and I are to stop appreciating the joys of living, the simple pleasures of this life. Not at all.
It also doesn’t mean we are not to continue to get creative with spending time with those we love and helping others who are in need. Quite the contrary.
You and I are to live life to its fullest and to appreciate the joys of life. We are to love others, and to help those who might need a little assistance… safely.
We’ve had lots of practice at doing these kinds things in unconventional ways, haven’t we?
Yes, you and I have had a great deal of experience of thinking “outside the box” over these last couple of months. You and I have had no choice but to learn to adapt to our unique situations. We’ve been forced to live life differently. To appreciate a little more what (or whom) we may once took for granted. To love others from a distance and to show them love in various ways. And, to help those in need by safe, creative means. We’ve reached out to others in ways we’ve not thought of before, and we now look for additional opportunities to do good in this upside-down, topsy-turvy world.
Through my social media feeds I have seen what you’ve done, and quite frankly, I’m amazed! Oh my goodness! You are incredible! And, I’m learning a lot about my fellow man. I’m proud to share this life with you! Even though it wasn’t our choice to experience this pandemic, it was our choice to make a difference in it. And, what a difference you are making, my friend!
[Tweet “Even though it wasn’t our choice to experience this pandemic, it was our choice to make a difference in it.”
Let’s continue to appreciate life and love others in this new month.
But, we don’t need to stop there. What if we continued to live and love in creative ways, even after the mandates and the restrictions are lifted? Wouldn’t that be refreshing? May this season of our lives change forever how we live and how we love from this time forward.
Friend, it’s your turn. Ponder this for a moment: How can you appreciate life and love others in this new month? What are some tangible and safe ways you can show love? What’s one thing you can do each day to appreciate the life you’re given?
In a future post, I’ll share some ideas of how we can safely appreciate life and love others during this unique season in our lives. For now, however, I’m starting today with writing these five words on my bathroom mirror: “appreciate today & show love.” I need to start somewhere. I invite you to join me.
May God bless you in this new month of May! Thanks for being here.

P.S. I wrote in my last post that my next post would continue on in that subject. That post is coming soon!
Are you able to ride? We have been able all along. State Parks stayed open in our state. Some of the nearby trails we usually ride are within those 2 parks, and the county that the trail is in that connects the 2, allowed county parks to stay open. That was such a gift each weekend.
Hi Kim! We have not been able to get out at all at this point. Bill has been working so much and most weekends, and it takes two of us to ride the tandem. I’m beyond ready and I really miss it. I sure hope we can get out at least a little this week or next weekend. I’m so glad you’ve been able to ride this entire time. What a gift, indeed!