You And Your Life Are Genuine, Real and Authentic

by | Oct 31, 2017 | 31 Days Of Living A Real Life

Genuine. Real. Authentic.

You and I have come a long way in 31 days… 31 days of living real. And, here we are in our last post on our last day. Time flies when you’re having fun!

We’ve covered much ground. Have broken down a few walls (or at least caused a few cracks in them). We’ve been reminded of truth, of blessings, and of God who loves us. We may have even discovered some realities about ourselves, our lives, and what it means to live real.

We’ve learned we are genuine, real, and authentic.

And, because we are, so are our lives.

Living real is a choice we make. Every minute of the day. Every second of every minute. Some days we’ll do well. Some days we may slip. But, we’ve learned too much and have come too far to not keep going.

Living real is being who God made us to be. The real us. Without competing, without comparing. Accepting our uniquenesses and our gifts.

Living real is also forgiving others, forgiving ourselves, and asking God to forgive us when we mess up. Because we will.

Friend, living real is being genuine and authentic. And, it’s incredibly freeing.

We are genuine, real and authentic.

You are incredible. And, it’s been a joy to journey through these last 31 days with you. You’ve kept me going when I didn’t feel like it. You’ve kept me smiling, and contemplating, and challenged with your heartfelt comments and shared thoughts. I’ve cherished each one. Thank you.

So, where do we go from here? We step out into what we know. We live in the truth. And we embrace living real. You and me. As we do, maybe another will see we’re living differently. We’re living in grace and freedom and joy.

Yes, living real brings great joy.

Live in that today and every day friend. I’m cheering you on!

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 NLT

Thanks again for journeying with me in this series! You are a blessing!

Much love,




We’ve arrived! It’s Day 31 of 31 Days of Living a Real Life. You can catch up on the previous posts in this series here.

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  1. Tara


  2. Cindy Wilkins

    I just want to thank you for being so “genuine, real, and authentic” with us throughout this series. Your willingness to share, your wisdom, and your encouragement have been evident in every post. I’ve looked forward each day to see what you’d written. I have a feeling this could lead you to new places, it’s that good! I do feel like I’ve made a friend and I’ll miss hearing from you everyday! Rest and refresh! God Bless, Cindy

  3. jennifer smith

    Yes, living real is a wonderful feeling! I think I have missed some of your posts from this series – but I look forward to looking back and catching up!


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