Taking a break can make all the difference! After completing the 31 Days of Living a Real Life and writing for 31 days straight, my brain needed some time off.
Sometimes a break is just what we need.
A pause from the rat race, from the fast pace, and from what some call the hamster wheel of life. A recess from our routines, our schedules, our to-do lists. Or maybe we just need a change in what we do each day, or how we do it.
When was the last time you took a break, friend?
During some seasons in our lives it’s quite possible to get so involved in what we’re doing, with what’s in front of us, we forget how important a break can be. Or we aren’t aware of our need of one. Is it possible you could use one right now?
Sometimes it’s a coffee break. Sometimes it’s a work break. And, sometimes it’s a vacation-kind of break. I believe it’s important to do what we need to do to refresh, rejuvenate, and reset. When we do what we can to fill ourselves back up we’re better able to flourish and thrive in our every day activities of life.
No, I didn’t go on vacation, nor did do anything specific. My break was taking some time off from writing and changing up my schedule a bit. It was just what I needed.
As I return, I have some exciting news to share. God has prompted me to help women like you and me find some downtime, to take a break. Not only that, but to connect with other women in a real and powerful way. A way that is uplifting and lasting.
Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage
Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage is an evening of encouragement designed for women. December’s event, Rediscovering Christmas, will not only encourage us and strengthen our hope for every day life, it’ll also help us return our hearts to the wonder of Christmas. Pausing the hustle and bustle of the season to refresh and nourish our minds, hearts, and souls. This evening will do us all some good!
If you’re local to me, please consider attending! It may just be the respite you’re looking for. Registration and additional details are found here. Space is limited, however, and in one week after opening registration, half the spots are already filled! God knows we could use a break at Christmastime. It’s going to be a fun and relaxing evening!
What’s one thing you can do today to give yourself a break? Would you mind sharing it below? It may just be the idea one of us could benefit from today. Me, well, I’m going to bed early tonight. And just between you and me, I’m so looking forward to it!
Have a great week, my friend! Find a way to give yourself a break. Remember, you are loved and appreciated!
Oh how I wish it was possible to join you!
Wish I could join you friend!