Well, here we are, the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday, filled with joy, peace, and a whole lot of Jesus. Even though it was just a couple days ago, I pray the hope of Christmas will linger long in your life, and into the new year. May we not rush past the miracle of Christmas and what we just experienced celebrating Jesus’ birth. But as our hearts and minds tend to turn to what’s next, that being New Year’s and welcoming 2023. In this episode we discuss how to set ourselves up for the New Year.

Can you even believe we are in the last week of 2022?
I can’t. I truly don’t know where this year went. You know? Maybe the pace of time matches the pace of our lives? (We talked about hurry in episode 71.) But if this is the case, I want to do all I can to slow things down and appreciate the moments I’m given.
Maybe you do, too.
Have you thought much about 2023 yet?
Because ready or not, it’s on its way.
And how do we set ourselves up to begin encouraged in this approaching new year?
There’s just something about a new year, isn’t there? There’s something about flipping the calendar to that first month of the brand new year. For me it’s exhilarating and exciting as I see the calendar pages before me. It’s like we get a fresh start, a clean slate, a new beginning. It’s as if we’re given a brand new chalkboard to write on, or an empty book inviting us to fill in the pages. Or a fresh, untraveled path to journey upon.
We look ahead with wonder, with anticipation, with hopeful expectancy. Maybe even a little apprehension and a few questions. Will this year be better than last year? What will transpire this year? What lies ahead for me and my loved ones?
We don’t know the answers to many of these kinds of questions today, but one thing we know for sure is this. No matter what 2023 holds, we will not be walking through it alone.
God is with us.
And that’s the hope we just celebrated two days ago.
We discuss further in this episode what that means for us in the year ahead.
I also share five ideas to help set ourselves up for the new year.
Click in the player above to listen to the 14-minute episode.
As we begin to close out this year and look ahead to the new one may you experience good health, abundant hope, and bountiful happiness today and all year long in 2023. I look forward to journeying through it with you. Happy New Year and God bless you!
Links in the episode:
- Episode 71, The Distraction of Hurry Says, “You Are Behind”
- Joshua 1:9 VOICE
- Matthew 28:20 NIRV
- Dave Ramsey’s 7 Types of Goals for All Areas of Life
- Hebrews 4:16 VOICE
- John 1:16 GNT
- Encouragement for Real Life Community
- Access my Free Resources on my site, designed to encourage your heart