32. How To Bloom Where You Are Planted – Part 2

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Podcast

Spring is one week closer, and as it is, we are talking blooming on the podcast this week! Are you ready to bloom? Last week we began this discussion about blooming. What does it mean to bloom where we’re planted? Why do we want to bloom? Where are we to bloom, and how are we to bloom? You don’t have to listen to last week’s episode before listening to this one, but it may help in understanding this concept of blooming a little better. This week we continue this important conversation as we find some hope and encouragement in this season.

How to bloom where you are planted - part 2

Well, my crocus and daffodil plants I mentioned in last week’s episode were covered with snow last Sunday. But this has happened before. A couple years ago they were buried under six inches of snow for a few days. I’ve learned these plants are hardy little buggers. They bloomed beautifully that spring!

I trust they will bloom where they are planted this year, as well.

But those plants were completely covered and in the dark. This got me thinking. It got me thinking about you and me. Sometimes we find ourselves in the dark. Sometimes we feel completely buried. And we trust God will uncover us to bloom where He has us once again.

I share in this episode how years ago I found myself in a dark place after walking away from a job I loved, but in which I could not longer function. But this was no ordinary job. I believed this was my “calling.” In leaving I found myself feeling alone, uncomfortable, and in the dark for months. Yet, I knew God was the one who called me out. I knew He had a plan. I just didn’t know what it was.

Until He replanted me to bloom elsewhere. To bloom where He would use me next.

God had planted me to bloom in a different way.

Friend, what dark place are you in right now? Could God be preparing you for something, for your next step in your journey? Could it be God is planting you in a different way? Is God asking you to bloom where He has you right now?

You can trust God in this. He has you. And He’s preparing you for something great.

We discuss in this episode how to bloom when blooming isn’t easy, and I share four practical steps. We also take a look at how comparison interferes with the process of blooming where God has us. This could have been an episode all itself! If you struggle with comparing yourself to others, I pray this encourages you and points you to truth.

We can trust the Master Gardener in this process of blooming.

He’s got it all under control.

Click the player above to listen to the full episode.

I’ve also created a free printable that contains last week’s scriptures and this week’s encouragement for how to bloom when life isn’t easy. It’s available for you in my Free Resources. Use it to encourage your heart.

In closing, God is with us in this season. He is helping us bloom where He has us. Even if it’s a difficult season. Or if we feel stuck in comparison. Or if we find ourselves replanted. Consequently, God is in charge of our blooming. For our growth, for the good of others, and most importantly, for His glory. Bloom brilliantly, my friend. I’m glad I’m in this garden with you. God bless you.

Links in this episode:

How to bloom where you are planted - part 2
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