Well, friends, here we are. It’s likely we’re all a bit surprised these days. Surprised to find ourselves doing things we never expected to do. Seeing things we never thought we’d see. And, surprised to say words we never expected to say. We may even be a bit surprised we’re in the midst of these COVID-19 virus circumstances in the first place!
Yes, we may be surprised, but God isn’t.

No, God isn’t surprised at the outbreak of this virus. This didn’t catch Him off guard. How do I know? Three reasons: God is God, God is perfect, and God is good.
Firstly, God is God. He knows all things, and He sees all things. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways. He’s far above us all… in everything. He never changes. He’s in our past, He’s in our present, and He’s in our future.
Lord, you know everything there is to know about me.
Psalm 139:1-6 TPT
You perceive every movement of my heart and soul,
and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind.
You are so intimately aware of me, Lord.
You read my heart like an open book
and you know all the words I’m about to speak
before I even start a sentence!
You know every step I will take before my journey even begins.
You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way,
and in kindness you follow behind me
to spare me from the harm of my past.
With your hand of love upon my life,
you impart a blessing to me.
This is just too wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible!
Your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength.
His plans, provision, and timing are perfect.
Secondly, God is perfect. Therefore, His plans and provision and timing are perfect. Even when we can’t begin to understand why or how or what or who. This pandemic doesn’t make sense to us, but for some reason, God has allowed it.
One prayer I’ve prayed for years is, “God, I know nothing will happen today that isn’t sifted through Your hands first. Help me to trust you in the sifting.” This virus has sifted through God’s hands. He’s allowed it in our world, our country, our lives for a reason (or reasons). Reasons beyond our knowledge. Reasons that we can’t see or begin to understand.
But, what we can do is:
1) trust – to trust God has this under His control;
2) learn – to learn any lessons God may be teaching you and me;
3) care – to care for ourselves and those we love with proper hygiene, social distancing, staying at home;
3) be open – to be a vessel God can use to help, love, encourage, bless others;
4) believe the best – to look for the good every single day, to believe the best, and share it with others.
God will bring good from this.
Thirdly, God is good. As a result, we can trust God will bring good from this. It’s in times like these when our faith kicks in. When we trust what we cannot yet see.
What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.
Hebrews 11:1 TLB
Yes, God is good at bringing good from what appears to be bad. As you go about life, look for God’s good. Watch for it. Write it down to remember it. Share it to encourage another. (We’ll talk more about this tomorrow.)
Friend, we’re in this together. And, I believe we’ll all be stronger, together, when we get to the other side of this pandemic. In the meantime, let’s do what we can by trusting God, learning from Him, caring for ourselves and others, being open, and believing the best.
God is God, God is perfect, and God is good. He’s not surprised by this. We can rest assured, God has got everything under control.
Praying for you and yours today.
Much love,

This is powerful!!! Yes,yes, and yes! Last night my husband and I went on a walk and as we strolled along we talked that if we weren’t in this situation we wouldn’t be walking together because he’d have still been at work. I feel like there will be so many opportunities for us all to spend time with those we love, to pursue something we’ve been longing to do, accomplish a task we’ve wanted to, and so much more! And, I don’t think we’ve begun to see all that God will do!
Wow, what a gift, Cindy. I agree with you… God will bring immense good from this. I just believe that down to my bones! Thankful you have this sweet time with your husband, too!