God Is In Control Today, And We Don’t Have To Be

by | Jun 7, 2020 | #open2020, Real Life

There’s just something that calms me when I remember God is in control today, and thankfully, I don’t have to be.

God is in control today, and we don't have to be.

I get tired of bearing that burden of trying to be in control all the time. Do you? I mean, it’s wearisome to carry a load you and I were never meant to carry. It gets too heavy for us to handle. We burn out, blow up, and back track when we do. Because the thing is, we were never designed to be in control. God didn’t wire us that way. It’s just too much for us, and He knew that. So, through His love, He freed us from that burden when He created us. God can handle being in control. You and I can’t.

I know this truth. I really do. So, why some days, do I get upset when things don’t go my way? Why do I struggle some days with trying to be in control of my life and everything around me?

Who is in control, anyway?

This morning’s reading in my Jesus Calling devotional got my attention. Three sentences stopped me in my tracks. The devotion reads as if Jesus is talking.

“Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But if it is I, then worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive.”

Sarah Young, Jesus Calling, June 7

Yep, if I’m in control or in charge of my life, I have many reasons to worry. I can’t see the big picture like God can. All I can see is what’s in front of me. God sees it all. And because He does, He can protect me from things I’m not aware of. He can open doors that look closed to me. God can act on my behalf in ways I cannot. So, actually, it’s in my best interest if I let Him be in control.

God is best to be in control. Not me.

Listen carefully, those of you who make your plans and say, “We are traveling to this city in the next few days. We’ll stay there for one year while our business explodes and revenue is up.” The reality is you have no idea where your life will take you tomorrow. You are like a mist that appears one moment and then vanishes another. It would be best to say, “If it is the Lord’s will and we live long enough, we hope to do this project or pursue that dream.” But your current speech indicates an arrogance that does not acknowledge the One who controls the universe, and this kind of big talking is the epitome of evil. So if you know the right way to live and ignore it, it is sin—plain and simple.

James 4:13-17 VOICE

Yikes. James cements the truth of how little ol’ me is not in control, and how it’s not good for me to attempt to be.

The truth is, not having to be in control takes the pressure off. Releasing control frees us up to live in God’s abundance, in His care, and in His graciousness. We can stress less knowing God is in control and we don’t have to be.

Yes, God is in control today and every day.

A few more truth-filled scriptures to encourage our hearts:

We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.

Romans 8:28 VOICE

A person may have many ideas concerning God’s plan for his life, but only the designs of his purpose will succeed in the end.

Proverbs 19:21 TPT

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11 ESV

For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.

Job 12:10 NLT

Friend, if you’re struggling with control today, first, know you’re not alone. I’m right there with you.

Second, may I encourage you to release that control into the hands of the One who is really in control. No matter how scary that may feel in the moment, releasing control is undeniably freeing to your soul.

Third, then walk in that freedom God offers. Trust He has His best planned out for you, because He does.

God is in control today, and thankfully, we don’t have to be. Hallelujah!

Much love,

God is in control today, and we don't have to be.
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  1. Cindy

    I have loved the saying, “God our your hair on your head to prove you can’t control everything!” And for me and my curly locks it’s so true and yet…..I cling so tightly to the reins trying to direct how things will go when I know I shouldn’t and can’t! Thank you for the scripture reminders. This control freak needs them every day!

    • Cindy

      *God PUT ‍♀️

    • Julie Lefebure

      I love that saying, Cindy! Thanks for sharing that with us. I’m with you… this control girl needs them every day as well. Hope you are enjoying these sweet days of summer!


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