Five Minute Friday – Share

by | Jan 22, 2015 | Five Minute Friday

It’s that time of week again. Five Minute Friday! (Okay, it’s Five Minute Friday eve.) But it’s the time many of us free-write for five minutes on a one-word prompt and gather together at Kate Motaung’s place to share, encourage, bless.

Won’t you join us? It’s one of my favorite things of my week! Either write on your blog, or in the comments section below if you don’t have a blog. I’d love to read your five minutes!

Here we go! This week’s word:




In 2007 I began my blog. Gosh, that sounds like a long time ago. (It is!)

After my mom passed away in 2006, I would have done about anything to have her words, her story, her life written out in front of me. So, I began my blog to share my life with my young children. I desired to document the story of my real life… events, experiences, trials, memories, a little bit of everything that had to do with my life and our family’s life.

As my children are now adults and almost-adults, they have eight years of our lives tucked in here. Someday they might cherish these words, or possibly even my grandchildren might. We’ll see.

My blog has transformed into so much more over the years, but as I wrote each post early on, I learned I had a story to share.

It’s nothing fancy. It’s nothing out of the ordinary. But it’s real, it’s life, it’s a gift from God.

A real-life story.

And friend, you have one too.

You have a story to share

You have a story to share.

You may not think you do, but you do. You may think your life isn’t anything “to write home about,” but really, it is. No one else has your life. No one else has been given the privilege to walk in your shoes, to see life through your eyes, and to live your life. Your life–and your story–is unique, special, one-of-a-kind.

And it’s worth sharing.

Today, I encourage you to do so. Share your story with you children. Share times in your life they’ll learn from, times that will encourage them, times that may help them see you in a totally different light than “mom” or “dad.”

Share your story with you spouse. What don’t they know about you? Share the story of your day, your dreams, your hopes, your plans.

Share your story with those around you. Ask them to share theirs. Share what God has done in your life. That’ll encourage every one who hears it!

Your real-life story is worth sharing.

Would you share something of your story or about yourself below? You’d make my day in doing so. I’d sure love to read what you have to share!


Bless you, dear friend. Thanks for being here!



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  1. Karen Brown

    Julie- Your sharing inspires me to share more, too. Thank you for always being so encouraging with your words. I shared a little bit of myself in my #fmf post, too. Loved this- and always love checking in on you! 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Karen, thank you for stopping in and for sharing. I appreciate all you share here and at your blog home. What a beautiful place you have. Bless you in your writing journey and throughout your life, friend!

  2. Katy

    Hi Julie, stopping by from FMF! What a wonderful idea to start a blog to record memories for your children! It’s something I’ll remember when I get to that stage in life 🙂

    Hmm, what to share of my own story… well let see. I’ve always excelled academically and am what you might call an “over-achiever”. But as soon as I started my Ph.D. everything crumbled around me and I dropped out. That’s right. Hard to believe it was me. I spent a few years thinking I’d never resume my grad studies. In those years, God stripped away so much of my pride and my need for achievement. And what he replaced it with is kind of amazing. Now, I’m in my second year of my second go at a Ph.D. and not only do I know without a doubt that this is where God has called me and what he has made me for, but also He has totally transformed my heart so that my work and my “discoveries” are not about me at all. I literally praise God out loud at times for new things He reveals of Himself through his creation. I love what He is doing in my life and where he has me right now!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Katy, thank you for sharing your heart here. It’s a blessing to get to know you a little through your words. What a gift… that you love what he is doing in your life and where He has you. My story is similar to yours. A pride-filled heart replaced by a spirit-filled heart. Praise God for all He’s doing in your life!

  3. Melinda

    Hi Julie. I started my blog for much the same reason in 2005, only my mom wasn’t gone yet. Thank you for your words tonight.

    (visiting from FMF)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Melinda! Good for you for starting your blog and keeping it going, one step at a time. Thank you for stopping in and for sharing. You are appreciated!

  4. ~Karrilee~

    Just So Much Amen, friend! So, so much! xoxo

    • Julie Lefebure

      Bless you, sweet friend! I appreciate you.

  5. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    You’re so right…we all have a story. And in sharing it, and accepting the shared stories of others, we so strengthen the woof and warp of the tapestry God has woven!

    What I’ll share about myself is this…that as each day gets physically harder, the Man Upstairs sends a small reminder that it’s still worth my best effort, and that while not giving up on my dreams doesn’t guarantee that they’ll come true, it does ensure that I don’t break faith with those who see me as an example.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Andrew. Such powerful words from a powerful Spirit. God is with you and in you, brother! Keep sharing and giving your best effort for His sake.

  6. Verona

    Great post Julie! God is working in my life right now. The last few years have had their difficult times, but when I’ve trusted God I’ve seen blessings. He is leading me in a whole new direction this year and I am excited! I cannot wait to see what unfolds, I know it will be the best year ever. Praise God. 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Verona, I can’t wait to see what unfolds for you either. Your positive, encouraging spirit is contagious. Yes, with God leading you, it will be the best year ever. Cheering you on as you continue to share your story and your life with other. God bless you!

  7. Sandra

    Thank you for the invitation Julie!!! Your words inspire me to write more often… And specialy because it’s the way to treasure my memories

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, write on friend. Your words and your story matter! Thanks for being here.

  8. Anne

    I started blogging in May 2012 FOR REAL. I started two other blogs and failed with just one post and then quit. It was very hard for me to start putting my thoughts and ideas out there, but once I began, it got easier and easier. Thanks for this post, Julie, and I’m glad I’ve “met” you here online! Blessings, Anne

    • Julie Lefebure

      It’s great to meet you too, Anne. So glad you kept at it! Bless you in life and in your writing journey!

  9. Kim

    Smiling because Share was my word for last year. Your sharing, being so real, positive, encouraging…Slowly but surely I have learned to open up here as well as in real life. Thank you for being an aid in my journey.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kim, thank YOU for being an aid in my journey. More than you realize. Opening up can be scary, yet can help and encourage so many others. Thank you for sharing here! Bless you, friend.

  10. Tara

    I think it’s so important for us to share our stories. But so often that is easier said than done.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Tara, I can appreciate your words here. It can be easier said than done. Praying God equips us to do so when He wants us to!

  11. Lisa Brittain

    You and I wrote on a very similar thread for five minutes with the prompt “share”. One of my favorite aspects of life and relationship is getting to hear and experience someone’s story. Equally fulfilling is getting to share a part of my story as it relates in another’s personal experience. Sharing our stories…our journey…is powerful.

    We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!
    Thank you for “sharing”.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Lisa. Amen! Thanks for stopping over and for sharing. Sharing our stories is most definitely powerful. Bless you!

  12. Diana Rockwell

    Julie we have a story to share. Thank you for that reminder. I loved your post and your heart. Stopping by on FMF Blessings Diana

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Diana. I appreciate your encouraging words and presence here! Blessings!


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