Five Minute Friday – Meet

by | May 8, 2015 | Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday.

I love this time of the week. Where many of us write on a one-word prompt for five minutes, without concern for perfection. Free-writing at it’s finest. It’s when you just get to be you, and your writing flows from your heart. We gather and encourage one another through Kate’s place. I’ve met some of the most wonderful people through this Five Minute Friday community. Why not give it a try? Write your five minutes on a piece of paper, in the comments below, or on your own blog.

Here goes!

This week’s word:




It was if my ears and eyes were opened for the first time. And truth dove deep within my heart.

The truth that my striving could finally end. The truth that the burdens of life were no longer on my shoulders.

The truth that God had my back, and would supply all I needed for this life.

Because I was His.

He would meet every need, every circumstance, every desire.

He would be all I would ever need, and with Him I would have everything.

There’s been such freedom in those truths right there.

Philippians 4 19

My God will meet all your needs. He will meet them in keeping with his wonderful riches. These riches come to you because you belong to Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

And ever since, God has met me, time and time again, right where I’ve been. And He continues to do so. He hasn’t always given me what I’ve wanted (thank the Lord for that!), but He’s given me everything I’ve needed for His plans and purposes for my life.

He’s continues to meet me. The God of the universe meets me. The One who created me meets me. Little me, who fails and falls more than I care to admit.

But He knows it all and still chooses to meet with me.

My heart is overwhelmed with love and gratitude in that.

He wants to meet all your needs and meet with you, too. He has exciting plans and purposes for your life. It’s okay to let go of the striving, the seeking, and just let Him take it all.

He’s everything you need.



Blessings to you today!



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1 Comment

  1. Tara

    Julie, yes God is everything we need! God has had my back so many times too friend! God does know what we need. I think of Jeremiah 29:11. I am so thankful God continues to meet with us!


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