Five Minute Friday – Good

by | Apr 4, 2015 | Five Minute Friday

Better late than never, right?!

The perfection side of me says no to that question, but the real, transparent side says absolutely!

I’m a day late for our Five Minute Friday post.

It seems as if I’ve been a day late ever since returning from our spring break vacation. But that’s a different story for a different time.

But today, I’m joining my friends who boldly free-write for five minutes on a one-word prompt. We let our minds and the words fly, and gather together at Kate Motaung’s blog to share and be encouraged. I encourage you to be a part of this great community! If you don’t have a blog, use the space in my comments section below to write your five minutes. Have fun with it!

Here goes!

This week’s word:




As I child, my little mind could not comprehend what was so good about Good Friday.

I mean, really. How could it be good when Someone gets nailed to a cross? All I saw back then were the nails, the blood, and the pain on His face in the statues and pictures. Nothing looked one-bit good to me.


I didn’t understand the truth of Good Friday. It just didn’t make sense to me.

Either it was maturity, or attending a different church that explained it in a way I could understand, or maybe I was at a place where my faith could grasp its truth, but one Good Friday, I “got it.” It clicked as to why Good Friday was good.

I no longer saw the nails, the blood, the pain, but now could see the love, the compassion, the sacrifice Jesus demonstrated for His own.

For me.

Jesus died for me.

He took all of my sins, my shame, my guilt with Him to the cross that Friday. He bore the weight of all my garbage on His shoulders and on His soul. No wonder He was in pain.

He took all of it to the grave with Him. He didn’t have to, but He did. Out of love for me.

And out of love for you, too.

He did the same for you.

Because of His death, we will never have to face eternal condemnation. Ever.

That’s Good News right there.

After the darkness and earthquake and the curtain being torn in two yesterday, it’s quiet today.

But tomorrow. Tomorrow there’s rejoicing. Tomorrow the grave is empty, and the hope of eternal life is renewed.

We’ll share about that tomorrow, and won’t steal the Resurrection Sunday majesty today.

Good Friday

Good Friday is most definitely good.



I pray this truth and the hope we have in Jesus is embedded deep within your heart. May this Easter be a special day of rejoicing, of hope, of God’s glory and Jesus’ love for you.

May God bless you today and every day.

Much love,



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  1. Karen Brown

    Julie- This was worth waiting for. You have a way of taking a simple message and unpacking all of it’s beauty- and then making it personal. This is one of those times. Thanks for adding your link. Happy Easter!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Karen, your words bless me. Thank you. Happy Easter to you, dear friend. I appreciate you!

  2. Tara

    Amen sweet friend! The beginning of your post reminded me of a friends FB post last night. His wife and him are pastors and they have a three year old daughter. On the way to church he was trying to explain how Good Friday was an important special day. She kept asking why? It really is hard for little ones to understand sometime. But you are right. God sent Jesus to die for our sins. Clarence W Hall once said, “Easter says you can put truth in the grave but it won’t stay there.” Amen! Sunday is indeed coming but today I’m basking in the silence after the earthquake, the curtain being torn in two and Jesus breathing his last. For before the Resurrection we must experience the days leading up to the stone being rolled away!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, friend! Amen! I love that quote. I’m so glad the truth didn’t stay in the grave! I hope your Easter was a very blessed day. Much love!

  3. Marisa

    I grew up with this understanding of why it was “good” but have actually struggled more this year with understanding than I have in my life. The only way I can describe it is bittersweet. Jesus sacrificed his physical life so that you me and the guy on the other side of the world MIGHT be saved, no guarantees but he loved each of us enough to do it anyway. The part I struggle with, that saddens me, is that so many believe Easter is just another commercial holiday, and the reason for this season is lost. Many people are excited for the long weekend but not rejoicing in His long-suffering so that we can live eternally without suffering again.
    Thanks for sharing FMF neighbour 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Marisa! Yes, Easter, like Christmas, has become so commercialized. It’s sad and frustrating, but God knows. I pray just one person found Him through truth that was shared on Easter. We can keep sharing truth, praying, and pointing others to Jesus. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re making a difference!

  4. Beth

    I was also a day late!
    I love Good Friday and this was such a good post
    God Bless

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m glad we were “late” together! Thank you for your words and for stopping in. God bless your week!

  5. Lisa

    I love the way you share the truth of Good Friday. God is good even when it doesn’t look like it, right? May we see with eternal eyes. Easter blessings to you!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Oh yes. May we see with eternal eyes. Thank you for that, Lisa! Thanks so much for stopping in and for sharing. It’s a joy to walk this journey with you!


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