When Life Throws You A Curveball

by | Apr 2, 2015 | Love God

Life threw me a curveball.

I know all about curveballs. Not only have I received many of them in life, I also threw numerous ones in my softball pitching days. My curveball was pretty slick, if I do say so myself.

The thing about curveballs is they are difficult to hit. That’s why pitchers learn to throw them. Maybe that’s the reason life likes to throw them at us too.

Curveballs are tricky. They look like they are a straight toss, but due to their spin, just at the last second they curve, often tricking the batter to either swing and miss or not swing at all and have a strike called against him.

Strike three! You’re out!

That was me. I felt like the batter who was taken out by a curveball. And there wasn’t one thing I could do about it.

What followed wasn’t pretty. Stemming from my questions, my insecurities, my lack of understanding what God was up to, my emotions roared.

Excuses. Assumptions. Suspicions. Accusations.

Oh, the crazy places our minds go when we take our eyes off the One who has the answers!

Doing so, irrational and unreasonable behavior was close behind. Bless my husband who took the brunt of it all, and who helped me see my focus was on my circumstances and not on my God.

What a difference!

Proverbs 3 5-6(2)


Trust God from the bottom of your heart; donā€™t try to figure out everything on your own.

Listen for Godā€™s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; heā€™s the one who will keep you on track.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Yes, God’s the One who keeps me on track… when I keep my attention on Him and not on my circumstances. It becomes a dangerous place when I try to figure out everything on my own.

No more excuses. No more assumptions. No more suspicions or accusations.

They all disappear in the presence of Truth and trust.

Friend, what kind of curve ball has life thrown at you? It may appear to be a big one. One that is attempting to shake the ground you’re standing on, or even take you out.

May I remind us all, we aren’t alone at the plate. God is with us.

And when we do all we can to keep our eyes on Him, no curveball can strike us out. No curveball can make us hang our heads in defeat. Our thoughts and life will be fixed on Truth and trust.

Oh, the peace in that right there.

We don’t need to have the answers. All we need to do is trust the One who has them.

Friend, we can live free and rest in that truth today.

God bless you!



What joy it is to link this post up with Suzie Eller and friends at #livefreeThursday. Whatever you are walking through today, you’ll find extra encouragement over there. Come join us, won’t you??

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  1. Sabra Penley

    Needed to hear this today, friend! Thank you.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Sabra, thank you for stopping by. Lifting you in prayer today! You’re a blessing to me. Much love!

  2. Janet Benson

    I love your post! It’s no fun to be on the other end of the curve ball, I know. At least we’re still in the game! Thanks for a post I needed today. #LiveFree

    • Julie Lefebure

      At least we’re still in the game. I love that, Janet! So glad you shared that here. Amen! Have a blessed weekend, and thank you for being here!

  3. Beth S.

    Our family has been thrown quite a curveball and it’s the trust I have in God that keeps me going. Timely and wonderful post, Julie. Blessings. xoxo

    • Julie Lefebure

      Praying for you this morning, sweet friend. God has you and your precious family. May He encourage your heart today. Much love!

  4. Micah Maddox

    Julie, love this. “We don’t need to have all the answers.” As I constantly learn this truth I am free to fully trust Jesus to carry me through the roughest waters. Always a joy to read what God has put on your heart. Love & Blessings, sweet friend.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Micah! Thank you for stopping by and for sharing. It’s a joy to walk through life together, even through the roughest waters. So thankful we can encourage each other. Have a blessed day!

  5. Kristen Johnson

    Loved this! My mind also wanders when I’m thrown a curve ball if I take my eyes off the Lord. Great reminder to seek Him first when life throws us a curve ball!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Kristen! I’m in trouble when I take my eyes off of Him! May He bless you and keep you today.

  6. Kim Stewart

    Ok Julie, we don’t have playing softball in common šŸ™‚ but I can relate to those curveballs life throws at us šŸ™‚ Thanks for your encouragement today – i love that translation of Proverbs 3:5-6! Have a great day, Kim

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Kim! It’s a joy to see your beautiful face here. I love that translation too. Bless you today and every day, dear friend!

  7. Kristine

    Bless you, my friend:) Oh how I hate curve balls! But you are so right, it’s where we keep our focus that matters. Thank you for sharing this, Julie!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you for stopping by and sharing Kristine! May we both keep our eyes on Him today and in the week ahead. May He bless you in all ways!

  8. Tara

    I love reading your post.


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