When Fear Clouds What We Know To Be True

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Love God

Some times I forget.

Some days what’s in front of me clouds what I know to be true.

And every once in a while, I need a reminder.

I am not to live in fear.

Maybe you could use a reminder today, too.

We can’t believe our eyes… what we see in our social media feeds, what we read in headlines. We never dreamed–in our worse nightmares–of such violence and horror. I’ll be honest in sharing I’m motivated by it all to just lock myself inside my “safe” home and stay put. Part of me is thrilled with that notion, yet, part of me knows that’s no way to live. That’s not what God has called me to do.

God has called me to live this life unafraid.

Live life unafraid. There's no need to live in fear.

Do not be afraid—I am with you! I am your God—let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you. Isaiah 41:10 GNT

That’s easier said than done, however. But, I read the above truth, and am reassured. Especially the words “let nothing terrify you!

When the world seems to be spinning out of control, let nothing terrify you.

When disasters, violence, anger fill the headlines, let nothing terrify you.

When the bottom of all we take comfort in falls out, let nothing terrify you.

When fear tries to cloud our faith, let nothing terrify you.

Consciously fixing our thoughts on truth keeps us in peace.

When fear clouds what we know to be true, it’s then when when we need a reminder.

“I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” John 16:33 MSG

As we go about our days, we may not be able to do anything about what happens in this world. But we can pray. We can fix our thoughts on what’s true. We can trust God. We can be reassured in His presence. We can rest our hearts in His protection. And we can share the peace that only He can give us.

Someone needs this reminder today.

There’s no need to live our lives in fear when our faith is centered on The Truth.

Let’s choose to live life boldly, bravely, and filled with peace.

Cheering you on in faith today!

Much love,




Linking this post with Holly for #TestimonyTuesday.

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  1. Betsy Cruz

    Amen, Julie! Let nothing terrify you. What a beautiful translation of that verse! I have been thinking along similar lines, don’t want to live in fear. I’m praying for peace in God’s presence instead! Just wrote a letter to my kids about this very thing. 🙂

  2. Alisa

    So true, Julie! Fear is a tactic from the enemy to intimidate us and prevent us from walking in the great purpose God has for us. Knowing God is with us gives us the strength and courage we need to keep pressing forward. Isaiah 41:10 is one of my favorites! Linking up with you at Testimony Tuesday.


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