Date With Reagan

by | Jul 17, 2011 | family, just for fun

Last Wednesday I had a date with my six year old niece, Reagan.  I decided in March that I wanted to take each of my nieces and nephews out for their birthdays, or at least the ones that live close to me.  Since Reagan’s birthday was in January, before I had decided I would be doing this, we went on our date last week.
It was so much fun, spending time with Reagan.  She talked non-stop about the things that important in her life and with her six year old perspective…things like swimming lessons, kitties, her brothers, etc.  She chose Subway as the restaurant we would go to eat.  We each ordered a six inch turkey and provolone. 🙂  We had the restaurant to ourselves most of the time, and I thought it was cute of how she continued to keep track of the number of people there.
Our next stop was Claire’s.  She looked at everything in Claire’s…opened things up, tried things on, and she reminded me of how Ali used to be in Claire’s. 🙂  She asked if we could get a gift for Ali.  She chose something for Ali, the glasses in the picture above for herself, and also the colorful hair extension.  We sure spent lots of time there!
Then we met Stacie (Reagan’s mom) at Coldstone.  We ordered our ice cream and enjoyed wrapping up our time together with Stacie joining us.  It was a very special night…even more for me than for Reagan.  I love my nieces and nephews, and I’m thankful I get to spend as much time as I do with them.  Reagan is a very dear little girl and has a special place in my heart.  This is an evening I will cherish forever!
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