How do we treat others who are different than us or who believe differently than us? In this episode we’re discussing even though you and I and everyone else on this earth were created differently, our differences, especially as of late, have become a barrier in many of our relationships. Our differences, designed to be blessings, have somehow become obstacles. I’m ready to change that. How about you, friend? Can our differences make us better and not bitter?

In our church staff meeting a couple weeks ago I voiced to my coworkers my frustration with humanity. I felt I was at my end. I shared how I was (and still am) weary of how we as a people as a whole are letting the things of this world get in the way of loving each other. We don’t have to look too far to witness division, hate, blame, and resentment between people. Our social feeds are full of it, as well as the headlines, our families, our churches, and our communities. It all makes me so very sad.
What ever happened to love your neighbor as yourself? And love God and love others? And treat others as we want to be treated? Why do we not live by these ideals, these God-given commands any more?
Call me strange, but I believe our differences make us better.
They don’t need to make us bitter. I share why I believe this in this episode and what we can do to live this out.
I also believe Jesus’ example is one that is worth following. How did He treat those different than Him? What did He do with those who didn’t believe the same, act the same, live the same? He loved them.
Friend, I invite us all to be more like Jesus.
To refuse to allow our differences to separate us, and to change our thinking with the reality that our differences make us better. May we intentionally do life with those who don’t think like us or believe the same as us. May you and I be the first ones to befriend others who are different than us. Because really, we have more in common than we think we do.
Listen in and join the conversation happening in our Encouragement for Real Life Facebook group.
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Links in this episode:
Last week’s episode 05. Don’t Think You’re Special? Think Again.
Romans 12:2 NCV
Encouragement for Real Life Facebook group
Thanks for being here friend. You make this world a better place. God bless you.