Have you ever been mad at God? Or maybe you’re mad at Him right now. Or maybe you’ve been mad at Him for so long, that you’ve decided you really don’t want anything to do with Him and you’re living your life without Him. Well, friend, I believe we’ve all been there. I believe we’ve all experienced anger towards God at one point or another in our lives. Today we’re discussing this and the help and hope available to us when we are mad at God.

Can I be completely transparent with you today? I recently got mad at God. Yes, I did. I was so angry at Him. I remember exactly where I was, driving home from getting tested for this nasty virus three days before Christmas, and I knew the results would return positive. Approaching our little Iowa town, I voiced out loud to God, “I can’t believe You allowed this virus to invade our lives right now. Especially after I prayed and prayed, asking You to protect our family Christmas.”
Frustration, disappointment, sadness, and a whole lot of other emotions consumed me. Which spiraled me into anger.
I was so angry at God.
And I told Him so, and then my best friend. My best friend received the brunt of my anger on the phone a few minutes later. I told her I was mad. I was mad at this virus, mad at the timing, mad that our family Christmas would be “canceled,” and mad that God allowed this to happen now. She asked why I was mad and for some details. And the answer spewed out of my mouth.
“Because I prayed and prayed and prayed for God to protect our family Christmas and He didn’t.”
There it was. I was mad at God because He didn’t give me what I wanted and what I asked for.
My friend encouraged me the best way she could, and after our conversation ended, I apologized to God with my head hung low. I knew my attitude was wrong. I knew God was still good and that His plans were still good. So, I repented of my attitude and for my anger towards Him.
I explain in this episode why I got so upset and why I struggled with is so. I blamed God for it all.
What about you? When have you gotten mad at God? Or are you mad at Him how?
I believe there a number of reasons why we get mad at God.
And I share some of them in this episode.
But letting go of the anger is the key. But how do we do that? Sometimes that’s easier said than done, right? What can we do when we’re mad at God?
We discuss some ways to do that and how to restore our relationship with our Creator.
Click on the player above to listen to the full episode. I pray you are encouraged!
Links in this episode:
- Jeremiah 29:11 MSG
- John 16:33 AMPC
- John 15:5 CEV
- Ephesians 4:26 MSG
- John 14:6 TPT
- Encouragement for Real Life Community Facebook group
God is so good to us, isn’t He? Thank you for joining me here today. God bless you.