How Will We Live In The Adventure Of Each Day?

by | Feb 25, 2018 | Love God


That’s my word for 2018. These first eight weeks of the year have been just that. An adventure.

Not because of anything monumental or earth-shattering, but because of the adventure found in each day. The gifts, the unique moments, the challenges, the struggles, the beauty.

These make each day, even ordinary days, an adventure.

Yes, life continues to clip along at a more rapid pace than I prefer, and it feels as if some days I’m doing all I can to hold on. But even so, I appreciate the adventure of it all.

I find it simply amazing how God bestows upon us a full 24 hours of adventure in each day. Think about this for a moment. We wake with a day of possibilities and opportunities ahead of us. A full 24 hours of life we’ll never be given again.

Isn’t each day an incredible gift?!

Isn't each day an incredible gift?

Sadly, however, I’ve been known to wish time away in my days. I’ve squandered the hours I’ve been given, I’ve not appreciated the little things in life, and I’ve despised challenges and struggles. I’ve also existed in both extremes: procrastinating instead of seizing the day, and being too preoccupied to miss the important.

If you can relate, friend, we can choose to live a different way. We can choose to wake in the morning with a different perspective. We can practice appreciating the little things throughout our day, and making the most of every moment we’re given.

And, we can ask for God to help us live lives that honor Him.

Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should. Psalm 90:12 TLB

Yes, Lord, help us to spend our days as we should. To be blessings in this world, to share the gifts you’ve given us, to love you, others, and ourselves well. Father, help us to use our time in ways that honor You.

No, we’ll never get today’s hours back, nor will we ever have the opportunity to live them over. We’ve got one chance to live these 24 hours. May we make the most of what God has given us in the adventure of today.

Friend, how do you do this? How do you live in the adventure of each day? How do you make the most of every moment? Are there specific things you do/don’t do? I’d love reading and being encouraged by your examples and words.

Adventure. This life is one amazing adventure with God. What a gift it is to share it with you! Thanks for being here. You are loved, friend. By your Creator and by me!



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