Yesterday we went to my brother and sister-in-law’s home, Pat & Stacie, to w
atch the Superbowl. We took a moment during the game to get a picture of all of us. After a few tries (and after Bill got done pulling a few pranks in the many takes), we were finally able to get a decent one! We also couldn’t resist a crazy one of all of us too (except for Bill who looks way too serious)! 🙂
All of us were cheering for the Cardinals, except for 7 year old Bennett who was cheering for the Steelers! He was pretty happy with the outcome of the game! Below is a small video of what I caught of Stacie and the kids getting pretty excited with just a few seconds left of the game. 🙂
The Superbowl was a little more exciting for me this year…since I don’t have a favorite team, I

always enjoy watching the game, no matter who’s playing. But this year I was excited to cheer fo
r the Cardinals, mainly because I was able to meet Kurt Warner and his wife Brenda, in May. I was impressed with how “down-to-earth” they were! That evening he shared a little about his last Superbowl experience as he was holding his Superbowl ring. I caught that in a photo, even though it’s not the
most clear o

f all pictures! Who would have ever thought they would be in the Superbowl this year? He has a big heart for the Lord, and professes his faith in Him proudly. T
hat’s what impresses me the most about Kurt!
We had a lot of fun last evening, even though the night got a little late, especially for a school night! We had lots of food and lots of laughs! For the life of me I couldn’t reme
mber the name of the Steeler player, Troy Polamalu, so throughout the night, I just kept calling him Apollo or Acapulco. 🙂 Love his hair! 🙂
Thanks for sharing in our Superbowl fun!
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