It’s A Good Day To Celebrate

by | Sep 1, 2015 | personal journey

My husband and I hit a milestone a couple days ago.

We crossed the 1,000 mile mark on our tandem bicycle for the summer.

To some, that’s nothing. Some bicyclists completed that well before summer began. Others did that as they trained for RAGBRAI or another bike ride. But for us, or at least to me, this is a big deal.

1,000 miles.

We have peddled 1,000 miles in three months.


us on the tandem editedThere are some secrets about tandem biking…

A tandem bike isn’t made to be ridden alone. (That’s an obvious one.)

The way ours is set up, if the captain (the front person) is peddling, so is the stoker (the back person).

It’s crucial for the two riding to continually communicate.

Every move one rider makes affects the other. (Ask my husband about the day I couldn’t help myself dancing to a song that came on our radio. My dancing about put us on the ground.)

Turns are made much wider. (Sometimes I feel we need a “Makes Wide Turns” sign on the back of our bike.)

Hills are climbed a little slower than with most bikes, but downhill, we can pass about anyone. (Yeah, we topped 45 mph down a hill this summer. You can believe I was a freaked-out, back seat driver!)

Working together, and mastering this type of biking wasn’t easy. The first time we were on it, I vowed it wasn’t for me. But by the third or fourth time, it became somewhat enjoyable. And now, I look forward to each time we ride.

The benefits have far outweighed the work.

Trail rocks editedThe breathtaking scenery we’ve beheld. The life-changing conversations we’ve had. The spats we’ve had to work through. (It’s nearly impossible to stay in a “fight” while riding, because we have to constantly communicate!) The laughter. The smiles. The fun of being together.

It’s all been a huge blessing. To our marriage. To our lives.

As we share this milestone in celebration, I ask you today, what’s something in your life that you can celebrate? (Hey, some days getting out of bed is something to celebrate!) Have you accomplished something that maybe only you know about? Maybe it’s a stepping stone to something bigger? Or maybe it’s a monumental feat? Maybe it’s too special to share, or maybe you want to shout it from the rooftops?

Or, it might not have to do with any sort of achievement at all. Maybe you’d like to just celebrate a blessing in your life.

I’d sure like to celebrate with you.

Psalm 118 24

(I took this picture on a–you guessed it–a bike trail!)

I don’t believe we celebrate the blessings in our lives often enough. Today is a great day to do so!

Thank you for being a part of my journey, and for stopping in today. I’m celebrating you!

Much love,




Tomorrow I’ll share the lessons I’ve learned from riding a tandem this summer.

Linking this post with Kelly for #RaRaLinkup and Holly for #TestimonyTuesday.

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  1. Ellen Chauvin

    YAY Julie! Today I am celebrating being your neighbor at Testimony Tuesday! What a great post, and I love your pictures. Makes me want to hop on a tandem bike…well maybe not! I love you sweet friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Ellen! Thank you for sharing in our joy. It’s a blessing to have you here. I never thought I’d be on a tandem bike either. I love you too, friend!

  2. Abby

    Julie, you are an inspiration to me! I love hearing about your adventures while doing this. Today I’m celebrating our church’s first ever MOPS meeting. We will be welcoming over 50 moms into our doors, with the hope of spreading Jesus’ love and the message of the Gospel. Blessings and hugs to you, sweet friend. xoxo

    • Julie Lefebure

      How wonderful, Abby! It’s exciting to be a part of something new and something God is very present in. And I’m glad your talk went well last evening. Thanks for stopping over, friend. It means so much to have you here! Blessings to you!



  1. Lessons I've Learned While Biking 1,000 Miles On A Tandem - […] I celebrated yesterday how we crossed over the 1,000 mile mark this summer on our tandem, I promised I…

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