We had a fun and productive weekend!
Friday night, as you know, Ali and I helped with our friend Grace’s 9th Birthday Party.
Saturday morning I woke early to get my day started productively. We went to my nephews’ soccer game at 9:30. (The picture below is from last week’s game.) The rest of the day we worked around home…laundry, organizing, cleaning, decluttering, etc. the inside of our home, and Bill mowed and trimmed the lawn, burned the ditches, took out garbage, fixed what needed to be fixed outside. It felt great to get so much done! I am now on a mission to completely declutter and organize every space in our home! 🙂
I gave the “message” at our church Saturday night. It was on Matthew 25…our responsibility in feeding the poor, clothing the naked, helping the sick, visiting the imprisoned. My brother and sister-in-law, Pat and Stacie, and their children came to the service…they really blessed me! We went to Zio Johno’s for pasta afterwards. It was a late night, but had a whole lot of laughs and a whole lot of fun!
Yesterday morning I headed back to church early to help prepare the “first Sunday of the month free meal.” How fun that was! I helped out with our 10:30 service and also helped serve the meal afterwards. Bill, Zach and Ali went to Zach’s soccer games at 11am and 3pm, which I joined them later for the 3pm game. Disappointingly, they lost both games, but they played well. 🙁 What a beautiful day it was though!! 
Alex, my friend Jill’s son, came home with us and spent the night. (They have the day off from school today!) The kids had a great time outside last evening kicking the ball around, with a whole lot of hootin’ and hollerin’! (Not sure what that was all about!) I’m glad we live in a rural area…I don’t think they disturbed the neighbors too much! 🙂 I took that time to organize our “toy closet” downstairs, while they were outside. Great feeling! 🙂 We played an intense game of Blokus, the boys played the Wii, and the rest of us went to bed!
A fun weekend with getting a whole lot done around our home…both felt great! On to an adventurous week!…