Happy Easter, friend! So, what’s the big deal about Easter? With eggs, bunnies, and Easter baskets? For years I didn’t get it. For years it didn’t make sense to me. Until one year during a church service it clicked. I finally understood the gift of Easter! It was so much more than about eggs, bunnies, and baskets. It was more about love. A love that saved my sorry soul. That year the Easter story became my reality, and in that moment my life was changed.
I never tire of hearing the Easter story.
Or reading it, for that matter.
In those days I wasn’t very familiar with the Bible. I wasn’t sure how to navigate my way through it. Do I read it from beginning to end? What’s the deal with the two sections called Testaments? How can I find the Easter story on my own? So many questions with very little knowledge.
Until I was invited to a Bible study called, Bible Study Fellowship. I began to learn the ins and outs of the Bible. It became less daunting to find my way through it, and remarkably, I learned how to study it on my own. And I found the Easter story! Not only that, but I was able to teach my children the story through one of the tools BSF provides. This not only helped me share the truth of Easter with my children, it’s guided me to the heart of the Easter story every year since.

What’s this wonderful tool? It’s Teaching Your Child About Easter.
And good news! You don’t have to be a Bible expert to use it! (I’m certainly not.) More good news! Because it’s such a helpful tool, I’ve made it available to you. Just click the button below and download it. (No strings attached.)
Use it with any child in your life… grandchildren, nieces and nephews, etc. Or, you can use it to teach yourself or bless yourself by reading it again if you already know it. I know life is full, but I believe if you carve out some time to read through it today or tomorrow, your Easter will take on a new and fresh meaning. If you have a Bible, grab it. If you don’t, you can go to biblegateway.com to read the verses there. It’s not long, but it’s certainly impactful. Feel free to share it with others, too.
The Easter story is filled with hope.
We can all use a little hope right now, can’t we? This pandemic is a challenge, but Easter proves no challenge is to big for God. Life can be hard some days, but Easter proves God’s plan for us is better. Even though this world is tainted with sin and destruction and despair, Easter proves Jesus has overcome it all.
The Easter story is our hope.
As a friend typed in an email to me yesterday, “However you celebrate the day, please know that God’s love is real, the tomb is empty, and Jesus is living in you. Praise God!” Praise God, indeed. I pray God fills your Easter with His presence, peace, and provision. As you read the Easter story, may praise and thankfulness rise from your heart. And above all, may you and I live every day forward in the reality of Jesus’ love and life in us!
Happy Easter, my friend!
Much love to you,