Our First Snow Day!

Our First Snow Day!

Today school was cancelled due to the weather and the road conditions.  It’s our first “Snow Day” of the school year!  Ali is especially excited, as Seniors don’t have to make up snow days!!  She gets out on the same day, no matter how many...

My "White Knuckle Morning Drive"

This morning when I woke up at 5:30 a.m., I expected to see it snowing when I looked outside.  Sure enough…it was!  I thought for sure school would be delayed…at least I was hoping for it to be.  I soon heard ice particles hitting our east windows, and I...

Snow Day #4

This was our 4th snow day of the winter…I’m so glad we didn’t have to get out today! I should have taken some pictures of it blowing and drifting outside today, but I didn’t think about it until tonight! Here are some poor quality pictures from...

Our First "Snow Day!"

With the impending snow that is forecasted for this area, and because of the inch or so that has fallen already this morning, school has been cancelled for today! Ali and Zach already had yesterday off because of a school in-service day, so today will make a four-day...

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