Slowing Down

by | Oct 31, 2009 | me, schedule

Each day I receive daily devotional readings from Chuck Swindoll and his ministry, Insight for Living. For the last week, he’s been sharing excerpts from his book Stress Fractures. Emotionally, this week has been very trying for me, and his readings have really encouraged me to slow down, to rest in God, and enjoy life a little more.

Thursday when I was at Mission of Hope, a long ago acquaintance of mine came into the Mission to help serve lunch. I hadn’t seen her in years. She asked me what I have been up to, and out of my mouth spewed my schedule…”I’m in BSF this year two mornings during the week, am here at the Mission two days a week, a few evenings a week I work my Mary Kay business, and I take and pick up my children from school each day.” It didn’t seem that crazy until I heard it come out of my mouth…her eyes blinked a few times and she asked, “My gosh, how do you do it?”

I responded with, “I don’t know…I guess we do what we gotta do.” We do what we gotta do? Hello??? What kind of response is that? Recalling some of Chuck Swindoll’s readings, my heart began to ache…God doesn’t want me to be off-the-charts crazy with my schedule…so why am I feeling like I am?

I know without a doubt that God has called me to be in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and to be a leader in that organization this year. I also know without a doubt that He has called me to be at Mission of Hope, and as of last week, that has gone from one day to two days each week. I have received many a confirmation from Him regarding these two areas of my life. I live each week according to my calendar, but after my realization on Thursday, that needs to change. I need to schedule in some “slow down” time for me to rest and refuel.

So, Thursday evening I made the commitment to myself to slow down and rest for a few days. Rest has come for me in some much needed ways…Thursday evening was a wonderful low-key night at home. Left-overs for dinner and then we snuggled in our new blankets, enjoying some family time in the living room.

Friday Ali and Zach didn’t have school. We all slept in (I slept until 6:50!), we enjoyed a leisurely day, took Zach to a friend’s for sleepover late in the afternoon, then Bill, Ali and I enjoyed last evening at the mall…a nice time, complete with a Pumpkin Spice Latte! (Bill calls them my “cup of joy!”)

This morning I again slept in, and woke up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and omeletes! Bill had gotten up early to make him and I breakfast. What a surprise! It was a great way to start the day. I had my monthly 60 minute massage with Kandace, my massage therapist, at 9am this morning. I had been looking forward to that ALL week. It was exactly what I needed! When I arrived home from my massage, Bill said, “You look like a new woman…how was your massage?” I guess I looked noticably refreshed! 🙂

We are going to carve our pumpkins yet this afternoon, then enjoy some relaxing time with dinner, trick-or-treating, and lots of laughs, I’m sure, at my brother and sister-in-law, Pat and Stacie’s. (I might just have to show up with a costume myself!) 🙂

It’s been good for me to schedule some “slow down” time these last couple of days to refuel myself. I needed this more than I realized. I’ve scheduled next Friday as a “retreat day”…I haven’t had one in months, and I can tell! I am looking forward to it! I’m not sure what I will do yet on my retreat day, but I have almost a week to plan it.

We all need to take some time to slow down–to relax and refuel ourselves. Jesus did that many times…he withdrew from the crowd to be alone with his Father. It was imperative for Him to do so, and it’s imperative we follow His example. I pray you take some time in your weekend to slow down and rest!
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