Could I Possibly Be Cool Again?

by | Oct 30, 2009 | This Lefe Family

I had to smile to myself one morning this week (I can’t remember which day…they all have seemed to run together this week).

As we were all getting ready for our day, Ali came into my bedroom and asked, “Do you have any jeans I could wear?” Hmmm…I led her to where my jeans were in my closet, and told her she could try any of them on, as long as she put everything back the way she found it.

I saw her grab two pair and take them to her room. Both of them fit her! These jeans are Levi’s, and have been two of my favorite “comfy” jeans for years. They are the ones I put on when I want to feel like I’m wearing p.j.s…they are certainly “broke in” and are extremely comfortable! Evidently she thought so too! 🙂 I have to say, there is something wrong when your 15 year old can fit in your jeans! How did she grow up so quickly? Wasn’t she at the beginning of this year about five inches shorter than me…and now she’s only about an inch shorter?? I didn’t mind her wearing my jeans…it’s just the realization that she’s not a little girl anymore, and she’s growing up to be a beautiful young woman! I can only imagine what I will feel like the day when I realize she has become taller than me! 🙂

A little later she came back in and asked, “Do you have a jacket or something I can wear over this?” She had a gray tank on. We looked in my closet and after a few suggestions from me, she chose an ivory short-sleeved sweater with a hood. She looked so cute in it!

When I dropped her off at school that morning…that is when I smiled as I said to myself, “Could I possibly be ‘cool’ again? My daughter is being seen in public wearing my clothes!”

I felt honored and proud being a part of Ali’s day in that way! 🙂
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