She’s 20!!

by | May 24, 2014 | This Lefe Family

She’s 20!!

Happy Birthday to our beautiful daughter!

Alissa birthday 20

I can’t tell you where these 20 years have gone. But I see today the woman God has grown her into through these years…

And I couldn’t be more proud!

Alissa has brought much love, much fun, and much adventure into our lives. She lives life to the fullest, and is independent–like her mom. (Grandpa Bill would be happy about that.)

She’s beautiful on the inside and out, and her dad and I are honored to be her parents.

God continues to teach her through many life experiences, and I believe He has big plans for her future!

I thank God and praise Him for Alissa today! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!

I love you!


P.S. Can someone please tell me how I can be old enough to have a 20-year old?? šŸ™‚

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