This morning I attended a presentation of a woman who has become a friend of mine through the Mission. I respect this friend, and value her wisdom. I attended to support her in what she’s passionate about, but I found my eyes were opened to this very serious global issue. My friend, Deb, spoke on the subject of human trafficking.
I wasn’t aware of how human trafficking is found all throughout the world, throughout the U.S., and even in our state. Even in towns miles down the road from my home. It was alarming to me. She shared stories of human trafficking and sex trafficking. She shared alarming statistics. But it hit me the most when she asked us in the audience to picture in our minds children whom we know who are 12 and 13. That’s the age many children are lured and forced into trafficking. I pictured my nieces and nephews, and my stomach began to feel sick.
If you’ve seen the movie Taken, then you saw some of how this works…at least portrayed by Hollywood. Oftentimes these children and teens are introduced to drugs, abuse, and even death in keeping them in this kind of slavery.
This is a new subject to me. My desire is to educate myself more. Deb suggested doing a search online on human trafficking, so after arriving home today, that’s what I did. Oh my…
Here’s some links I found which might educate us all…
And here’s an article/video which shares a story of a woman who was caught up in human trafficking in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Iowa Teen Runaway in Human Trafficking
If this is in Iowa, you can assume it’s in every other state as well.
Parents, we need to educate our children now. Get to know the parents of your children’s friends. Watch those who may be watching your children. Keep tabs on your children’s cell phones and computers. Pay attention to neighbors and get to know them. These efforts might make the difference in keeping our children and other children safe and protected.
As I learn more, I’ll share more here. I’m so glad I attended this presentation this morning, and I look to supporting Deb in spreading the word about human trafficking even more.