My monthly love note to the three I’m honored to call family:
To Bill, Alissa & Zach,
Here we are. Another month has slipped passed us. And, I’d say it was a great start to 2016.
Going through my photos of us for the month, I realized I had two. (So, there’s no normal collage in this post.) That’s the first time that’s happened since I don’t know when. It’s clear to me I need to be taking more photos when we’re together! Hopefully we’ll have lots of opportunities to do so in February! But this photo is for sure a good one!
January was a good (but cold!) month. Maybe one of these years we’ll all move south. (Maybe not.) But living where we live is perfect because we’re together. Spring will be here soon.
I thank you three for your continued encouragement, your support, and your love as I transition into my new job. I couldn’t do any of what I do without you. It means more to me than you know!
Bill, thank you for the many ways you encourage me, love me, and bless me. Thank you for always believing in me and helping me see the “bigger picture.” What you do for our family doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you. I pray God blesses you as you lead our family in His ways. I love you more than my words can say. You truly are my love of a lifetime.
Alissa, I am so proud of you for how you are living your life. I will always try to protect you, as you’ll always be my “little girl.” So, when I get over-protective, be reminded of how much I love you. Keep making great choices. Keep praying and asking God to guide you. Keep putting Him first. I pray for you daily, and thank God’s for you. I love you with my whole heart, beautiful girl!
Zach, you’re off to a great start in your spring semester. I couldn’t be more proud of you. You continue to do your best, and God continues to bless you. Great job on your achievements last semester! Continue putting God first in your life, and allowing Him to lead you. You’re in good hands! I daily pray for you, and thank God for you. I love you, buddy, to the moon and back!
As we look ahead to February, I ask God to protect us, to grow us in Him, and to be lights in the world wherever He has us. May everything we do and say glorify Him. Let’s make many more memories together this month!
I love you, so very much!
Julie & Mom