Living Life in the Moment

by | Aug 22, 2011 | This Lefe Family

living life in the moment

Today is the third day of school for Ali and Zach.  I forgot from last year just how full this time of year is in regards to our family’s schedule!  But within the last few days, it has all come back to me very quickly!

This week alone:
Zach has soccer practice two nights.
He has soccer team pictures on another night this week.
Ali has volleyball tournaments two nights.
She has practice on two of the other nights, plus an early morning practice.
Zach has Opus Honor Choir tryout practice two early mornings.
Zach has school pictures tomorrow.
We have a 9th Grade Parent Night one evening.
Zach has an orthodontist appointment today after school.
He has a haircut Thursday after school.
We are scheduled to work the concession stand Saturday morning.
Zach will get recognized with his soccer team at the dedication ceremony for the new football field Friday night before the home football game.
Bill and I have date night Friday night.
I will be taking and picking up Zach from school each day, plus working at Mission of Hope Tuesday – Friday.


As I look into next week, it’s even more full!  (Breathe, Julie.  Breathe.)

Today I have the day off, and thankfully I’m able to get lots done to prepare for our week.  But I’m forcing myself to take each day one at a time, and trying not to look too far ahead.  These are all great things on our family’s schedule, don’t get me wrong.  But I’m one that tends to try to get “all my ducks in a row” ahead of time…almost to the point of where I miss the moment.  One thing I’m working on is being more aware of living my life in the moment.

Living life in the moment as I’m driving to and from school, cherishing the time I have with Zach.  Living life in the moment as I’m cheering on Ali in volleyball.  Living life in the moment as I watch Zach practice with his team.  Living life in the moment as Bill and I are on date night.  Living life in the moment as I reach out to others this week at Mission of Hope.  Living life in the moment, soaking up all of the blessings God has given to me and to my family.  Living life in the moment is the most fulfilling way to live life!

I pray you are living life in the moment this week!

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