First Day of School

by | Aug 19, 2011 | This Lefe Family

Summer break is over.  Today was Ali’s first day of her senior year, and Zach’s first day of his freshman year of school.  As I took this picture this morning before we headed out, it became very real to me knowing that this is the last picture I will ever take of the two of them together on the first day of school…ever.  (Sad face)

Ali goes later to school than Zach does in the morning.  I kissed Ali goodbye, wished her a great first day, and prayed silently God would keep her safe.  No tears, suprisingly.  Driving Zach to school felt like we hadn’t skipped a beat…we were back into our school routine quicker than I wanted to be.  It’s probably the last year I’ll be driving him to school…so I really want to enjoy our 20 minute morning and afternoon commutes.  Our morning prayer time was very precious to me…I’ve missed that this summer.

Dropping him off at school, I wished him a great day, told him how proud of him I was and again, no tears were present.  I was pretty impressed.  I thought to myself, “I can do this!”  I made my way to the Mission of Hope Shelter for my Thursday morning meeting with Marcia, and as only a good friend would do, she met me at the door with a box of Kleenex.  And the tears began to flow.  Marcia hugged me.  Poor D.J, our Resident Assistant, though…he was standing there, and didn’t really know quite what to do or say.  I said with my tears, “My kids are growing up, D.J.”  He understands that reality probably even more than I do.

I couldn’t wait to pick Zach up after school!  Bless his heart, he was so tired.  Both Ali and Zach had a great first day.  And I guess I survived the first day without them home…even though I’m not home much during the day these days.

I pray God blesses their year in ways beyond what we can imagine.  I am so proud of my children.  On to day 2!

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