Don’t you just love it when God reminds you of something you knew, but forgot your knew?
Yeah, I do too.
He did that yesterday. He reminded me of how He gives us a fresh start, a clean slate, a new beginning each and every day. I shared that reminder in yesterday’s post.
This new day, this new beginning, comes complete with twenty-four hours of opportunities, choices, and possibilities. It’s flawlessly matched with a set of 1,440 minutes. These hours and minutes are special gifts–gifts from God to each one of us. This day cannot be exchanged or replaced. It’s priceless, incomparable, and stuffed full of one-on-a-kind moments.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t wake up each morning with this kind of attitude.
(Not at least until after I’ve had my coffee!)
But what if we did?
So much of my life I spent looking to the future. Anticipating how great it was going to be. Working, striving, for it. Yet, I also found myself getting caught up into living in my past… both in celebration and in regret.
It saddens me to think how many right-in-front-of-me one-of-a-kind moments I missed in doing so.
Let me tell you, that’s not a fun way to live.
Take a second right now and look around you. Right where you are. The moment you are in. What beauty do you see? What is happening right in front of you? Who is near you? What do you smell? What are you tasting? Breathe deep and savor this one-of-a-kind moment.
one-of-a-kind: Â original, rare, distinctive, in a class by itself, notable, exceptional, uncommon, unique
It’s one-of-a-kind, because we’ll never get to experience it again. It’s in these exceptional, small-living moments that life really happens. The everyday, ordinary, simple moments that happen all throughout our day. These are what makes life extraordinary. Embrace them. Look for them. Share them.
Sure, the grandiose moments are great too. But I see the simple ones as small gifts we get to unwrap along the way as we live out our journey, day by day.
Friend, you have a blank canvas before you. Splash the colors of these small moments all over it. Today’s page in the book of your life is empty. Fill it full of these one-of-a-kind moments. What a breathtaking masterpiece you and God are creating together!
God has given us a new day. May we make the most of it, moment by moment.
Much love,
Linking this post today with Kelly at #RaRaLinkup and Holly at #TestimonyTuesday. Visit both to be encouraged today.
These words are exactly what I needed to read this morning. Pausing to listen to the birds, feel the cool morning breeze through my window and see the sky washed with sunshine turned me to God and my blessings instead of worrying about the future. Thank you for your refreshing words and reminder of our beautiful God.
Mary, your world sounds beautiful… birds, morning breeze, a sky washed with sunshine, and God being with you. No wonder God gets your attention through them! I’m thankful He’s already in the future, and has a great plan for ours. I’m praying He encourages your heart, especially today, friend. You are loved!
Ahhh friend, I actually took a deep breath while reading this. Thank you for reminding that today is precious. Love you girl!
I love you too, Carmen. Sometimes that deep breath is needed more than we realize. I’ve taken a few of those lately, and they’ve been incredibly cleansing. I’m praying God gives you a few more opportunities for deep breaths today, too! Blessings!
I find when I truly take the time to embrace the day and all it has given me, it seems time slows down. I’m not in a mad rush. My list is not any shorter, but my life is much fuller and more satisfying. Thank you for the reminder to embrace each day as a gift. It is certainly a daily challenge to my heart!
Hi Samantha! Thank you for stopping in! I would have to agree with you about how time slows down when we take the time to embrace the day. I didn’t realize that until reading your words. But this week I’ve intentionally done that, and my days seem longer. Thank you for your enlightening words! May God equip you in all ways today. It’s a joy to journey alongside of you!
What a great reminder to cherish each moment – just as it is. This morning I found myself thinking, how wonderful would it be if I had more mornings like this – and then thought, I have THIS morning so let’s make the most of it.
Amen, Kathryn! What a great attitude to have. THIS morning is what matters. May we have that perspective each day. Thank you so much for stopping over and sharing a few minutes of your day here. It’s always a joy to “see” you! God bless you, friend!
I see nine squirrely but beautiful students who are working hard and trying to concentrate–even though they know they bell will ring soon :). I appreciate their enthusiasm, they’re desire to learn and their whacky sense of humor ;).
Ooh, I love it, Anita! Thank you for sharing the beauty that’s happening right in front of you. When is your trip with the kids?? I’m praying already! Have a blessed day.
I loved this:
you have a blank canvas before you. Splash the colors of these small moments all over it. Today’s page in the book of your life is empty. Fill it full of these one-of-a-kind moments
So often I forget to see the here and now. I look ahead, I look behind, but I don’t appreciate the beauty of now. Thank you for this reminder, my friend!
Thank you, Ellen, for coming by and for sharing your thoughts here. It always blesses me to see your beautiful smile. May we both live in the moments of today… really live in them. Praying God helps us to do so. Much love is being sent your way!
Beautiful post, Julie! I also can lose the beauty of “now” by focusing on the future, what I need to do, or by lamenting over what I didn’t get done! I need this reminder each and every day. Life is a gift!
Amen, Betsy. Life is a gift! I’m right there with you. May we both live in the beauty of “now” this day. Lifting you in prayer, my friend. How are you adjusting to life in the States??
Love this friend. I know I don’t always wake up with that attitude. I need to be better at remembering those simple moments. Thanks for the reminder dear friend!!
Hi Tara! God is good at reminding us, isn’t He?? I’m thankful He does. Sounds like you and I both needed the simple-moment living reminder. 🙂 Praying for you this morning, friend. You are loved!