I typically start my day reaching for my reading glasses as the sleep fog clears while I’m still in bed. I read from two devotionals. One of them this morning, from Chuck Swindoll, got me pondering.
It was about how we respond when struck by an arrow of affliction. He told the story of how his close friend responded after a terminal cancer diagnosis. Instead of crossing the days off the calendar, this friend, instead, drained every ounce out of every day.
Don’t seek more days in your life but more life in your days.
Chuck Swindoll
Questions silently arose. Do I do that? Do I drain every ounce out of every day?
Am I living fully alive or just going through the motions?

Some days I do okay. Other days, however, I feel I’m just trying to get through the day. I’ve been known to longingly look forward to the day’s end or to the upcoming weekend instead of appreciating the moment on a Monday morning or the ordinary in a Tuesday afternoon.
Some days are full and I can’t squeeze in one more thing. Some days I try to do too much. You, too? But, I don’t believe living fully alive is about packing our already full schedules with more to do. That, I believe, is a death sentence.
Living fully alive is more than we may think.
I believe it’s more about living consciously aware of embracing every moment we’re given and living fully alive in that moment. Even at the dentist office. Even in the dark of night when sleep eludes us. Yes, even when life hurls arrows of affliction our way.
I believe it has to do with where we find our strength and how we impact the lives of others around us. It’s about looking for the good… in situations, in others, in ourselves. It’s about embracing the time we’re given to make a difference.
You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment.
Psalm 16:11 (The Voice)
Living fully alive is a choice.
Life is too short to live it just going through the motions. I’m reminded of the song, Live Like You Were Dying, from one of my favorite artists, Tim McGraw. Let’s not wait one more day to live fully alive. Not one more moment. Let’s choose this moment to be the one where we begin to live fully alive–for the rest of our lives.
This is the subject of our next Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage (BYOB and B) event on February 4. It’s a night of encouragement designed for women like you and me who could benefit from a fun time together! If you’re local, I’d love to have you join us. All the details can be found here.
Friend, are you living fully alive or just going through the motions? What do your thoughts throughout the day reveal to you? What’s one thing you can do to live fully alive today?
May you and I seek more life in our days. Together, with God’s strength and guidance, we can do this. I’m cheering us all on!

It’s a joy to link this post with friends Mary, for #TellHisStory and Anita for Inspire Me Monday!
So nice meeting you and your friends yesterday! I so enjoy your blog! In my later years, I, too, am trying to savor every moment that I possibly can! Of course, some days are easier than others! 🙂 God has blessed me immensely the past year! And with Him by my side, I will continue my journey, until He calls me home!
Many Blessings to You,
Hi Chris! I was a treat meeting you yesterday! What a wonderful surprise! Yes, we have so much to be thankful for, don’t we? Savoring every moment shines God’s light, not only in our lives, but into the lives of others! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for being here. Bless you!
As I read this, I thought of my friend Jody Sloan who is being treated for reoccurring cancer. She squeezes life out of each day and is an inspiration to all those around her. Thanks for reminding me of this too.
Dixie, I also have a friend who is undergoing treatment for cancer. He, too, squeezes each ounce of life out of his day. I needed this reminder. So glad we can remind each other to live this life to the fullest, in all the ways God equips us to! God bless you, Dixie!
Something to contemplate. When I’m too busy, I can miss the simplest reflection on Christ. I’ve been more quiet of late – or my schedule has. I’ve even felt a little guilty but I think Jesus doesn’t mind – He knows I need the rest. An Iowan? My husband’s from Ames – go Hawkeye’s and went to med school U of Iowa. sue
Hi Sue! Welcome! How important that quiet is and I’m glad you’re in a time of that right now. I agree with you about how Jesus knows you need the rest. I cherish seasons of rest, even if they are short seasons. So glad you stopped over and shared! Yes, go Hawks! My husband graduated from Iowa State, so he’s more of a Cyclone. Love this connection with you! Blessings.
What a gift these words are to me this morning, reminding me of the ways in which God orchestrated the last five months of Kenneth’s life, our last months of our precious time together on earth. Kenneth, my husband of 25 years, was diagnosed with terminal cancer in Jan, 2018. The doctors gave him 7-10 days to live once he was sent home to hospice care. God knew differently and had 5 months for him, for us. Of course, we did not know that, but we walked each day with Him and with one another in ways I could never have imagined I could. We lived as fully as we could each day as we walked together heavenward, only I was left on earth. I have very few regrets as to the way we lived until “death do us part.” I miss him so yet God walks with me now until I am called home.
Linda, your testimony is powerful. Thank you for sharing some of it here. I can only imagine the preciousness of those days you were given with Kenneth, and how God met you in each moment. I pray for you today, that God may give you exactly what you need today and comfort you with His presence. Sounds like you are living fully alive with Him in each day. God bless you, friend.