“Thank you, God, that you’re in control and I don’t have to be.”
I whisper those words often.

For so much of my life, I had to be the one in control. Or, so I thought. I was the one who planned everything, and I mean everything. My days, our meals, my workouts, our family vacations, date nights with my husband, my life, my husband’s life, our children’s lives… you get the picture.
Being “in control” gave me a sense of security. There was nothing like it. It was almost thrilling and exhilarating, and it deep down, it made me feel worthy and important.
I was the one in control of my life.
Thank you very much.
But, this is life, right? We know life doesn’t always go as we plan, right? It wasn’t pretty when my perfectly laid-out plans fell through. When things happened beyond my plans or when situations blind-sided me, well, those times were full of all sorts of stress and anxiety. I found myself scrambling, panicking, trying my darndest in putting things back in order.
I would wear myself out with worry and become sickened with striving. Attempting to handle what was beyond my control was flat-out tiring.
I couldn’t stand feeling out of control.
Friend, those years were hard years. Those years were trying years, Yet, those years were growing years.
God revealed to me three realities:
1. I was not the one in control. Even though I thought I was.
We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails.
Proverbs 19:21 MSG
2. There’s freedom in letting go and allowing God to be in charge.
But more than anything else, put God’s work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.
Matthew 6:33 CEV
3. I was carrying a burden I was never meant to carry.
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG
Freedom is found in letting go of control.
We can cease the striving and release the stress. God is in control, and thankfully, we don’t have to be. We were never meant to have that responsibility. We can trust Him, after all, He created us. He has His best in mind for us, always. Trusting Him to be in charge allows you and me live less stressed, more compassionate, and ultimately, more like Jesus.
And, what I found the most transforming, when I release the control of my life and give it to God, I function in His strength, in His love, in His wisdom instead of my own. Hands down, His ways are always best.
Even on the days I struggle and revert back to my old controlling ways, God reminds me Who is in charge.
What’s one way you can release your control and let God be in charge today?
God’s got us, friend. Let’s rest in that assurance today.

Yep! Control and I were best friends too! Being is control gave me a feeling of being safe….until I finally realized it was a false sense of security. When I remember that because God is in control, no matter what happens it’s going to be alright, I feel less worry. It’s a battle though, there’s always my control freak lurking about. Thanks for this reminder that it’s never been our job because God’s taking care of it all! Great post Julie!
Cindy, I think you and I are a lot alike! I’m with you on this one. So glad God’s taking care of it all. Much love to you today, friend!