I’m back! Friends, I’ve missed you.
I stepped away from my blog home for a month. Not intentionally, however, but that’s how it played out.
Much has happened in our corner of the world since I’ve been away. I hope to share more in future posts, but to hit the highlights: fall has arrived in Iowa and with it a change in my schedule, my heart went wacky one day to the point I received a cardio version in the ER, our son had an emergency appendectomy last week, and our daughter got married last weekend!! Oh, do we have stories to tell!
But, one thing has remained the same.
God continues to be faithful, and I continue to be grateful that He is.
But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15 NLT
I am regularly reminded just how faithful God is. Even when I’m not so faithful. You know? He cares about the details of our lives. The details that are important to us. From the smallest concern to the biggest situation. God is in them all. Nothing is too small or too big for God. And, even though we may think He’s got bigger things to deal with than our stuff, friend, He cares about it all. Maybe no one else does, but God does.
Even when we are away from our blog home for a month and you desperately desire to return. I’m thankful He’s opened up a few minutes for me today to pop in and say hello.
And, He’s faithful to His promises, isn’t He?! Promises we can cling to until they are realized.
Friend, how about you?
What has transpired in your world in these last 30 days or so? I’d sure love to catch up with you and share a virtual cup of tea or decaf coffee! (Oh yeah, that’s another thing. I’ve given up my favorite beverage… caffeinated coffee. Yes, I’ll share the details soon.) How has God been faithful in your life? With what details of life are you trusting Him? What promises are you claiming today?
Thanks for still hanging out with me here! I sure appreciate you! I’ll be back more regularly now that life has settled into a rhythm again. Not a normal rhythm, but a rhythm. You are a blessing!
Much love,
So glad you are back! And that you are ok, also Zack. Congrats to all, especially Alyssa and hubby. What a few weeks! But, right you are… God is faithful. For sure.
Here, our daughter, the youngest, has sent off college applications. Already?!?
Looking forward to hearing more from you soon!
Thanks, Kim! Oh my… college applications already?? Yes, God is faithful even as our heartstrings stretch with college application! Hang in there. Much love!
So glad you’re back and you are ok. God is faithful indeed!
Yes, and amen! Thanks, friend!
I’ve sure missed you but knew you were dealing with a lot! This has been a whirlwind month for me! A four day girl’s trip to Washington DC to visit my niece, two days later met my sister halfway to get my mom to bring her for a visit, a week later met my other sister to return mom, and now two days later at my son’s house babysitting my three yes three BIG granddogs! All good things but I’m off my normal schedule and routine so of course my writing has been delayed too. Not that my writing is important to anyone but me but I had hoped to complete the 31 day challenge before all these events were on the calendar. Can’t wait to hear more about the wedding and all that surrounded it. Take care and many blessings, Cindy
Hi Cindy! I can see why the month has been a whirlwind for you! So glad you had a great trip, but glad you’re back to your normal routine and schedule. And, your writing IS important… to you, to God, to many of us who read your life-filled words! I’ll share more about the wedding soon. It was amazing. Much love to you!