Today has been such a fun day!
Ali and I had a “Girls’ Day Out!” The boys (a.k.a. Bill and Zach) drove two hours away for Zach’s two soccer games today, so Ali and I have been on our own all day. We had some great girl bonding time and a whole lot of laughs!
We started the day by going to Ali’s high school band Large Group State Contest at a local high school. They performed at 10:40. My brother and her Godfather, Pat, and his children surprised her by attending her performance! They were out doing some Mother’s Day shopping
for Stacie. 🙂 Her band did a great job. I’m not sure what rating they received, but I’m hoping it was a 1 (the best)!
We went to lunch at Applebee’s afterwards, per Ali’s request. She ordered her favorite, as I did mine. Neither one of us finished our meals…too much food, but it was so tasty! We decided to drive to the nearest outlet mall…we hadn’t been there for a couple of years. After spending about three hours there, we were shopped out! Didn’t buy much…Ali bought a couple shirts, and some flip flops. I purchased some quality earrings for her newly self-repierced ears :-), a few things from the Jockey store for me and some jewelry for me. 🙂 We certainly didn’t go overboard, which felt good, but we certainly had a great time together!
We came home, each having a little alone time…she checked her facebook and I did a little work. We don’t have many opportunities to girl stuff, just Ali and I at home alone, so I thought it would be fun to do pedicures together! I have an incredible pedicure set which I love, but rarely take the time to use the whole set to pamper myself. We transformed an area in our dini
ng room to a “relaxing area” with our foot tubs, towels and our pedicure sets. We each grabbed our favorite beverage, put on some aromatherapy music and pampered our feet! I can’t remember the last time we did that together! We laughed at the way our feet felt with the different steps, we talked, we each ate a couple chocolate chip cookies, and really enjoyed ourselves! It’s something I will remember for a very long time! 🙂 My feet feel incredible!!

As I write, the “boys” are on their way home, so we’ll just chill out here together, totally relaxed, until they get home. It was a great Girls’ Day! I can’t wait for the next one! 🙂
P.S. I have the most incredible daughter…God has really blessed me with Ali! I am so very thankful for her! Some great news…she tried out for Show Choir a couple weeks ago for next year, and she found out yesterday she made the Show Choir team! AWESOME! She’s a gifted, talented, beautiful, kind, caring and loving young lady! I’m glad she’s ours! 🙂