It’s time to write my heart out again, for five minutes straight. Imperfect and freeing… Five Minute Friday. We gather at Kate’s place each week to share and encourage. And the cool thing is, I haven’t met a one of my #fmfparty friends in person. (That has got to change!)
Here we go!
This week’s word:
Maybe it’s someone who hasn’t been nice to you in the past. Or someone who has hurt you recently.
Or maybe it’s someone who you believe would rather spend time with a Godzilla than you.
(This is a fun way to start of a post, isn’t it??)
Hang in here with me though. I do have a point.
Whether we like it or not, you and I might have an enemy or two. Yeah, I don’t like thinking about it either. But I don’t believe anyone is immune having enemies.
In heaven we won’t have them. That will be wonderful, won’t it?
How do we treat our enemies?
What if we surprised them, and instead of avoiding them, or silently (or not-so-silently) rejecting them, what if we showed them love?
Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. Romans 12:20-21 MSG
What if we did what we could to bless our enemy, instead of cursing him or her?
What a difference that would make! What a surprise that would be!
I invite you to join me in taking the above scripture to heart, and  to do something kind for an enemy in the next few days. May we be the change we want to see. May we do the unexpected.
May we be the surprise.
I’m convicted. I desire to do better at loving my enemies. Surprising them with love.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Bless you!
Hi, Julie, I love the idea of surprising our enemy with love. Just today some kids were calling my kids names at the park. It took a reset and a few hours later, I wondered what those kids would have thought as we prayed for them? Surprised, I’m sure. Thanks for the great challenge. Your friend at FMF, Christina (in the spot right after you).
Great story, Christina, even though I’m sad your kids were getting picked on. May my first response in such circumstances be to pray. I have so far to go! I appreciate you stopping over and sharing here. Have a blessed weekend!
A long time ago a chap who I thought was wise once told me that the only difference between an enemy and an enema is a ‘why’.
I’m still trying to figure that one out.
For what it’s worth, I have found that often those who dislike us the most see the most of themselves…in us. It does get complicated.
#3 at FMF this week.
Hey, Andrew! Wise words, my friend! It does get complicated. Thanks for your continued presence and encouragement. Praying for you today!
Wow Julie, thanks for that tough challenge today! It was good to get back to FMF this week {SURPRISE} after a very long stint away. Always enjoy your wise words and today I will seek to do just this. Serve kindness for ugliness. (We best pray for each other on this one, sis!) Love following your Instagram! 🙂
Yes, Ruthie, we best pray for each other on this! Can’t do it on our own, can we?? I enjoy connecting with you, friend. Have a beautiful day!
I heard once, in a sermon, that if you have a problem with someone (if they are your enemy) to pray for them everyday; it’s hard to be angry toward someone you pray for. That’s harder to do than it sounds, isn’t it. Thank you for sharing this thought today 🙂
Hi Renee! Yes, it is harder to do than it sounds. From experience, it’s actually the last thing I feel like doing, but the best thing to do. Thanks for this reminder today. I appreciate your presence here! Have a great weekend.
I have done this before and found some surprising results in the midst of a difficult situation. It’s good to surprise others with kindness… what a good reminder! Thank you! Happy Friday to you! (Stopping by from FMF)
Hi Rachel! Happy Weekend! Thanks for stopping over. I’m working on this one. I appreciate your encouragement! Blessings to you.
Julie, great post. I too want to be better at loving my enemies. Women’s Night of Prayer on Periscope always prays for the trolls when they come into her scopes. Now that’s what I call loving our enemies. If only we could all few more like that. I’m sure going to try. I’m in the 43 spot this week.
I’m working on it, too, Tara. Glad we can do it together. Thanks so much for stopping by. I’ll be over soon!
I think you read my heart before I even sat down to write this morning! Actually, I confess that it may be more difficult for me to treat the people I just don’t really like very well with all of the aforesaid grace, mercy and surprise. Loving my enemy is a lesson I’ve heard from birth. Liking the jerk at work is a little more difficult :/.
Anita, I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m working on it, and praying God helps me. We all have someone who we struggle to get along with, don’t we?? Bless you, sweet friend. I hope your time away was amazing!
Yikes. That’s a tough word. True, but tough.
Out-and-out enemies are relatively easy for me to handle. What’s hard is when a friend becomes an enemy. That – well, I’m really going to have to think about this one. How can I surprise that person with kindness when it may or may not be accepted? Huh.
Thanks for this.
Yes, Marie, it’s one that I didn’t expect. I understand where you’re coming from. If you surprise the person with kindness and it’s not accepted, that’s not your doing, that’s his/hers. You were obedient to God’s Word, and that is always good. Tough stuff. I’m with you! Blessings.
Beautiful words, Julie. Choosing to be the surprise of love is such a Jesus-way of responding to our enemies. I loved what you shared here today. I’m thinking about those who are enemies, or at least hard to love. I’m going to pray God shows me who I can love like Him.
I’m praying the same, Jeanne. So happy you stopped over today. Have a blessed week, my friend!