Seems like it was just a few days ago I was writing my Five Minute Friday post on FORGET, but here we are again. Time flies when you’re having fun!
It’s a joy to walk through life with some amazing people I’ve met in this Five Minute Friday community (#fmfparty). Even though I’ve only met one of them in person, I feel like I’ve known them for years. What a blessing!
We gather on Thursday nights to fellowship on Twitter, we free-write on a given one-word prompt, then gather at Kate’s to share and encourage one another. I love this time of week! As always, I invite you to try it… on your own blog, in my comments section below, or on a piece of paper at home.
This week’s word:
Years ago I figured out I was a morning person. I enjoy getting up early to get my day started and to linger in our quiet house.
Mornings are when I do my Bible study, when I read my devotionals, and when I pray. I sometimes write, read, and of course, enjoy every sip of my freshly brewed coffee. (Oh, how I love my coffee!)
And mornings are when I watch out of my kitchen window for God to paint a beautiful masterpiece in the sky.
My mornings are reserved for God, for sunrises, and for my coffee.
(This photo is my all-time favorite sunrise captured from our kitchen window.)
But this month I’ve chosen to add another thing in to my mornings…
By adding that in, I’m now getting up even earlier. Years ago I exercised in the early morning hours, but I got out of the habit when I wasn’t working outside the home. And now that I am, early morning exercise adds a lift to my step and a brightness to my days. (And I find I eat healthier throughout the day, too! Bonus!)
But today, I’m feeling the effects of very early mornings, and later-than-I-desire nights. Sleep will be my friend this weekend.
How about you? Do you consider yourself a morning person or a night person? What is your typical morning or night routine? I love to read about how we each live our lives and what makes each of us tick. I love how we can all be so different!
I’m thankful for my mornings!
The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:22-23
Much love to you today,
Your mornings sound lovely! <3 I'm definitely a night owl, myself 🙂
visiting from FMF — Sarah Jo
My husband is a night owl, Sarah Jo. Night owls are pretty special people! Thanks for coming by!
You’re my kind of gal! Mornings, Jesus, Coffee and exercise! The day just isn’t right if any of those things are absent :).
Amen, my friend. Amen!
I am so not an exercise in the morning person. I’m a little of both…sometimes I’m a morning person. Other times I’m more of a night person. God is the master painter isn’t he? Sunsets and Sunrises are my absolute fave too. I’m over in the #14 spot this week.
Hey girl! I can be a night owl too. I’ve proven that while I was laid off without a job. I love it how God made each of us in a special way. I’ll be over to visit you soon! Thanks for being here, friend!
I am definately not a morning person, although being a night owl is wearing me down. Love your beautiful image!
Hi Barbie! I understand. Hoping you’re able to get the rest you need. Saying a prayer here for you today, my friend. So glad you shared your thoughts here. Much love to you!
Have you ever had Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee?
Expensive. Worth it.
Sorry to be telegraphic. Very ill. But wanted say hi.
No, I haven’t, but I think I’d like it. Sounds wonderful. I’m sorry you’re so ill, my friend, but am blessed you stopped in to say hi. Praying for you.
I am NOT a morning person but I’ve always felt guilty about it. I live in a farming community where everyone is up before the first light comes from behind the mountains including my husband. Throughout my teaching career I had to be up early too. I hate to admit it but most mornings i was grumpy. I didn’t want to talk, eat, or put on make up. I just never felt like myself! Now that I’m retired and am able to be in a natural rhythm, I find that I feel my best when I go to be between 11-12 and get up around 8-9. I finally realize that this is how I’ve been made and that just because I go against the flow of life around me, it doesn’t mean it’s bad or wrong. So, when others are up and doing their devotions in the wee hours of the day, I’m still asleep. I meet God for lunch. I think both are just fine.
I agree with you, Cindy! We’re all wired differently. And I’m thankful we are. I hope you no longer feel guilty about not being a morning person. I’d say you’ve found the rhythm God has for you! So glad you shared here. Thank you! Have a blessed day.
wow. that sunrise is stunning. i do like the quiet of morning. i appreciate that its not as busy as the rest of the day and when i’m alone in the quiet i really like it (though I prefer a later morning than i usually have for work. i love that you have that set aside time. so important
What a gorgeous picture! Our Father is such a show-off, isn’t He?
Me…definitely a morning person. Getting harder to wake up and get going now that I’m getting a little older, but once I’m up I’m good. Strong black coffee, Bach or Mozart, then time with the Lord once the kid is off to school.