(Didn’t I just write that a day or so ago?? These days fly by faster and faster!) It is that time of week again. Time where many of us write freely for five minutes on the same one-word prompt. We give it all we’ve got for five minutes, forgetting if what we write is “perfect.” We gather together, share, and encourage at the lovely Kate Montaug’s blog. It’s a beautiful community. I invite you to join us… either on your own blog, or on a piece of paper you find on your kitchen table, or in the comments section below. It’s a great way to end the week!
Here goes!
This week’s word:
Sometimes days are just tough, aren’t they? But even the tough days, we can learn from.
I came off a wonderful weekend, to trudge through a mud and muck kind of week. I don’t get it, and I don’t understand. But maybe, I’m not supposed to.
I feel like I’m hanging on for dear life in this grand adventure, and maybe that’s just the perfect place for me to be this week.
To top it off, I learned today I have bronchitis. Not what you want in August, when you’re trying to savor every last moment of summer.
But it is what it is.
Through this week, one big lesson I’ve learned?? To have a greater empathy for those who are trudging through life like I’ve been as of late.
Except some are in it for the long haul. Some are trudging through much deeper mud than I. Some are dealing with more monstrous-sized obstacles. Some are hanging on at the end of their ropes. Some can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some are facing the unknown, with uncertain times. And yet, they’re still trudging.
I want to be a “co-trudger.” One who will come alongside to encourage to keep going. To keep hanging on. To Keep looking for the light. To never give up.
This lesson is timely. Not only can I be grateful to learn such, but I can be grateful to have the ability to apply it.
Isaiah 1:17 reminds us:
Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless.
Friend, can I pray for you today? In what area could you use some encouragement? If you don’t want to share it in the comments below, you can contact me here, and I’ll get your message. I’d be honored to “co-trudge” with you.
I appreciate you spending a few minutes here with me today. May God bless you!
Much love,
Love your heart for others, Julie. So sorry to hear of your own suffering, though! Not fun! May God’s grace be sufficient for you during this time, and may His power be made perfect in your weakness! Thank you for being a blessing in this community. xx
Hi Kate! Thanks for stopping over. I appreciate your words of encouragement based on scripture. I cling to those today. God’s grace is more than sufficient. To thankful for it! May God bless you and give you great joy as you continue to host this beautiful FMF community. Much love to you!
I’m trudging through the planning of a week-long camping trip with 60 7th-12th graders and 12 staff members. EEK! Please pray for the planning phase and for a glorious trip for our students (and especially for safety!). I’ll be praying for you that your feet feel a little less mud-laden in the following days!
Hey Anita! I’m honored to pray for you, for your trip, and for the students. Especially for safety! That sounds like a wonderful experience. I appreciate your prayers as well. It’s good to connect with you again, my friend. When do you leave for this trip??
Julie, thank you! Last week was so wonderful…vacationing with my sister. But this week has been weary…too many meetings etc. Your words are a gift to me tonight. How can I pray for you friend? I’d be delighted and honored to “co-trudge” with you.
Tara, it sounded like you had a wonderful vacation. I find it’s always hard to return from such a trip, and immerse oneself back into “real life” again. I’m praying for you this morning. May God replace your weariness with joy. May you see Him in unexpected ways today. I pray for rest for you as well. Hang in there, sister! I would welcome prayers for healing from this bronchitis. Thank you!
very nice post.
Thanks, Denise! Have a blessed day!
Oh Julie, you are such a wonderful encourager and co-trudger! It’s such an encouragement to me to know you are not so far away and always willing to lift me up. I’ll be praying for you in this time of trudging, and I think we need to find a time to meet up again!! 😀
Hey Iowa friend! Thank you for the prayers. I’m lifting you in prayer as well this morning. Yes, let’s find a way we can meet up again very soon. I’ll be glad to come your direction! Thanks for stopping by. You’re a blessing!
Oh, I LOVE your term “Co-trudger”! That’s so good! And the verse, too.
I’m so sorry you’ve been sick and things have been icky. Praying for you, Julie!
I feel like I’m slogging through the muck as well, yet there are bright joy spots all around. But those that are not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel? That’s so hard, you’re so right, and we must feel their compassions as well.
Julie, I’ll be praying for you, and would you pray that my daughter and her little fam (who just moved in with me because they sold their home) will find their new place in this life? That’s where I am right now. Hosting indefinitely.
Thanks, friend.
Your Co-trudger in life.
Hi Ruthie! Glad we can “co-trudge” together! Yes, I will be praying for you, your daughter and her family. Thank you for asking me to. What a heart you have to host them indefinitely. What a gift for all of you. May God guide them in every way! Thanks for being here, friend. Your words are always sweet and encouraging. Bless you! (Please keep me posted too!)
You are precious, Julie. I love your heart. Every time I read one of your posts, I am encouraged. You are a beautiful co-trudger! Praying you sense God’s presence today and that your bronchitis clears up quickly.
Thank you, Dianne. I love your heart too! I appreciate your prayers, more than you know. I cherish them! Thank you! May God bless you today in many sweet ways! Hugs to you!
Julie – This is one of those perfectly-timed messages for how I feel. Thank you for reminding me that I really have two choices. The choice of NOT going through isn’t one of them. The choices are in my attitude in the journey. I would rather choose to help others, to encourage others, to find joy – than to wallow. I needed to read this today. I pray that your bronchitis heal quickly and that you receive rest and comfort despite the illness.
Oh Julie, I want to be a co-trudger too! I’m sorry life has been muddy for you lately. Know that God is right there with you and so are we!