Friday has arrived and with it Five Minute Friday! Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker and friends as we write on a one word subject for five minutes each Friday. Grammar, punctuation, editing are of no concern in these five minutes. Just pure, real, transparent writing. Here goes!
This week’s word:
How can I possibly write about that word?
This was my honest first thought. Grateful is too big, too encompassing, too much for me to write about. Especially this week.
I’m not sure I’ve ever been more grateful than I am today.
I’ve watched God work in our lives this week. I’ve watched Him extend love and grace to us. I’ve watched Him hold our hands and hold our hearts. I’ve watched Him guide, bless and orchestrate circumstances that have put me in awe.
I am completely GRATEFULÂ to God today.
And grateful in (not necessarily for) the ups and downs this week:
–Two trips to the E.R.
–My son’s eye injury, and his soccer season coming to an abrupt and sad end.
–Sweet conversation.
–Tears shed.
–Laughter shared.
–Two nights where all four of us were home together for the first time in weeks, maybe months.
–Finishing up a beautiful 30-week study of Matthew in Bible Study Fellowship.
–Receiving unexpected great news.
–Receiving unexpected sad news.
–Realizing we needed new tires on our vehicle. (Where’s this $$$ going to come from?)
–Being able to fit into clothes I wasn’t able to last summer (YAY)!
–My first gardening therapy of the season.
–Walking through one of the most challenging weeks as a mom.
I am rejoicing today, and thanking God with this grateful heart. I’m praising Him for Who He is and what He’s done. I would be absolutely nothing without Him.
GRATEFUL is the perfect word for me to write about today.
Thank you for journeying along with me on this path called life! Happy Grateful Friday, friends!
Hi Julie
I am one of your five minute friday readers, Your post was just so wonderful and really I am so blessed, it was a breath of fresh air. As I look back over the past week, its been a very intense one for me too – haha I could not help but smile at your comment about your new tyres! An unexpected rock hit our windscreen this week and just cracked it – we were like oh no where are we getting the money for this! Thankfully God made a way and we can get it sorted. He always does! May you really always have His incredible Grace shining on you and you know what – no matter what I believe God smiles on you as a mom – its so challenging, but He loves when you doing what you were created to do, dont forget that! Many blessings!
Hi Aliyah! Thank you for your encouraging words. It sounds like we had a similar week! God is so faithful though, and we never go through anything alone. I’m grateful He has provided for your cracked windscreen! Thanks for stopping by today. I’m glad to have met you through FMF.
Wow! It has been quite a week for you. But isn’t it so neat when we’re in a place that we can clearly see God’s hand at work?
Stopping by from Five Minute Friday.
Thank you Joy! I agree with you… I love seeing God’s hand at work! Thank you for stopping by through FMF! I’ll pop on over to yours next! Have a blessed weekend!
It’s so awesome when in the midst of our struggles we can still see God’s hand working. I am blessed by your words today, Julie. Thank you for showing that in the middle of trying times, God is always there and we can be thankful.
Abby, even though this week had it’s ups and downs, I have seen God through it all, and know He’ll bring good out of all things for His plans and purposes. How do people do it with this hope? Thank you for your encouraging words and for visiting today!
Oh Julie! What a beautiful post. I love that you reminded us about being thankful IN all things really. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And personally girl, you fit more into one week than I think I’ve seen in a month! Praising god for his faithfulness.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Kelly, you made me smile! Last week felt a little like it lasted a month! I, too, am praising God for his faithfulness. Happy Mother’s Day to you too! Thanks for your encouragement today!