I missed last week’s Five Minute Friday. I was in Maryland helping my friend Patty. It was good to be with her and her family. I missed this special part of my week, and it’s good to be back! It’s when many of us free-write on a one-word prompt. We write, we gather at Kate Motaung’s, we share, we encourage. It’s a blessing to be a part of this beautiful community. I invite you to try it… on your own blog, in the comments below, or on a piece of paper on your kitchen table.
This week’s word:
It may not have been the week of celebrations. It may have been a hard, difficult, challenging week. The last thing you feel like doing is celebrating.
We’ve all had week like these. We don’t like them. And we arrive at the end of the week exhausted, worn out, weary.
This may be where you find yourself today.
Friend, I’m with you. I’m praying for you as you read this. I’m praying God strengthens you, guides you, and blesses you in the challenges.
Or, maybe your week was a glorious, monumental, incredibly special kind of week. And you have celebrated all week long. You desire to shout from the rooftops the great things you’re living out. You’re ending your week on top of the world. We love these kinds of weeks!
Maybe this is you today.
Friend, I’m with you too. I’m praying for you as you read this. I’m praying God strengthens you, guides you, and blesses you in the celebrations.
If some have cause to celebrate, join in the celebration. And if others are weeping, join in that as well. Romans 12:15 (The Voice)
No matter what kind of week we’ve had, we have one true and constant factor in it all.
Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Philippians 4:4 (Message)
Celebrating God helps us keep our focus on truth, on hope, and on His promises. And off of our situations.
It’s always a great day (week, month) to celebrate God. May you and may I take time today to celebrate who God is, how He loves us, and how He’s for us. Good thing He’s with us through all kinds of weeks!
I mean it when I write I’m with you. I consider it a blessing that you’ve stopped by today, and I’m thankful we get to do life together. Even if we’re hundreds or thousands of miles apart. We are in this life together. I’m celebrating you, my friend!
Much love,
Amen! Thank you for the reminder to celebrate more and stress less and remember that God is in control of everything.
Hi friend! I appreciate you stopping over! Amen!
I love this: “No matter what kind of week we’ve had, we have one true and constant factor in it all: God.” And that’s reason enough to celebrate each and every day. So thrilled to see how God has knit this theme in so many hearts tonight! It makes me want to throw a party! 🙂
Amen, Asheritah! Amen! Why don’t I celebrate this every day?? Thank you for stopping over. Bless you!
Julie, thank you for these words. I wrote earlier this week about life wearing on me. Your words were living water to this parched soul this week. And thank you for the prayers. They are so greatly appreciated. I will pray for you too. Glad you got to spend some time with your friend and so good to see you at the party tonight. Love you friend!
Hey friend! Thank you for your prayers. I have cherished them. I hope life has been a little lighter for you this week. You’re a blessing to all who know you, including me! Much love to you!
Thank you for the scripture! I wrote it down in my journal. I love having a page filled with scripture all on the same thing. It is crazy sometimes how many times we are told something in the Bible that we completely miss until we have a prompt like this!!! God is good!! I thoroughly enjoy how He chooses to reveal His Word to me through my sisters in Christ!!
Hi Marisa! I love how God does that too! I appreciate these sisters in Christ, including you! Maybe I’ll see you tonight at #fmfparty! God bless you!
Beautiful post. [I also miss FMF when I’m not able to do it; it’s definitely one of the highlights of my week]…
Thanks, Helen! God bless you!!
This was a week of more pain and other things than I imagined could happen, but it’s all good.
Because HE is all good!
Amen, brother! He is all good! I pray God’s presence is filling your space today.
Reading this reminds me of the truth that there are always people at all different phases of the spectrum in our lives..rejoicing, sad, and in the middle…
And we are often in different places too in the different parts of our lives.
I agree, Somer. Helps me be more sensitive to others. God bless you! Thanks for coming by!
Hi Julie – I’m glad your trip to Maryland was good, it was nice to read about it. I owe you a card – it’s coming – We’re in the process of buying a house and time has been getting away from me. But I want you to know – I celebrate you! Positive, encouraging, thoughtful you! I am glad you’re back this week; I love the Voice translation of Romans – we need to stand by each other in all things, hold each other up, feel compassion, offer support. And enjoy! Thankful to be here today. Janet
Hi Janet! No worries, my friend. Sounds like you’ve been busy. Hope all is going well with you. Thank you for your encouragement and friendship. You are a blessing!