Wednesday evening I took my nephew, Patrick out for his 12th birthday. His birthday was back in April. Even though it was almost two months delayed, we finally found a date that worked for both of us!
After meeting Patrick and his dad, my brother Pat at our school, Patrick and I headed off to the restaurant of his choice…Zio Johno’s.
Patrick ordered cheese pizza and I ordered a grilled chicken sub. For the next short while, I learned all about Patrick’s life, his interests and everything that is important to him at 12 years old. I loved our conversation, and I enjoyed having that one-on-one time with him. After stuffing ourselves with dinner, we drove to his home, all the while talking more about music, sports, family and plans for summer.
After arriving at his house, I played Mario Kart with Patrick, his brother Bennett and Pat. I stink at Mario Kart! I achieved last place in all the races except one…and that was because Pat unplugged Patrick’s controller from the box as a joke. š It was still fun though.
We watched the CMT Awards, played a game which made us all laugh, and I enjoyed a few cups of coffee before driving home.
I love Patrick, and I love that family. The time I spent with Patrick Wednesday night was priceless to me. There may come a day when he won’t want to go to dinner with Aunt Julie anymore. But until that day, I’ll soak these nights in as much as I can! And I look forward to next year’s birthday dinner…gosh, he’ll be 13!!
Happy Birthday Patto!!