A Full Day Ahead

by | Jun 30, 2010 | family life

Today is going to be a full day.

I slept in today until 6am…and appreciated the extra hour of sleep I was given by doing so.  I’ve been in my office for about a half-hour, getting things ready for my day.  My coffee is next to me, and I’m enjoying the quiet of our home this morning.  It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day outside.

The kids and I will be spending the day at Mission of Hope…8:30-4:30ish.  That can be a long day for them, but I feel days like today are a blessing for them and me.  A blessing in that they get to reach out and help the least, the lost and the last.  They get to see that not everyone lives like we do.  They get to see God at work in others’ lives, in their lives, and at the Mission.  I know I’ll get the usual “are we done yet” kind of looks, and I might even get the occasional sighs of “I don’t want to do this anymore.”  But I feel it’s important to allow Ali and Zach the opportunity for God to bless them in the way He has blessed me in being a part of His work at Mission of Hope. 

Afterwards we will meet Bill to pick up Ali’s car at the mechanic garage, as her car died on Saturday night, which will come with a $350 bill. 🙂  That’s always fun.  But she will be happy to have her car back. 🙂  Then I will go back to the Mission for a board meeting at 6:30.  Important decisions will be made on behalf of the Mission tonight.  It’s a privilege to be a part of it all.  And as I drive home tonight, probably around 9pm, I’ll no doubt be pooped.  But it’ll be ok….I have the next two days off and we are going away for a few days.

Why am I sharing this in a post?  I don’t know.  I just thought I’d share a little about my life today…nothing monumental, nothing anyone can really probably learn anything from, but just a normal kind of day in the life of me.  God wants to be a part of our every day lives, not just at church on Sunday.  I look forward to seeing Him throughout my day today…ever heard the song by George Strait…”I Saw God Today?”  Look it up…it’s a good one.  I expect to see God today…maybe I’ll even share in a post how I saw Him today as I’m winding down my day tonight.  🙂

May you see God today!  Look for Him…I think you’ll see him!

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