A Simple Act Of Kindness

by | Jul 28, 2015 | Love Others

Walking through the canned foods aisle, deciding on which olives to put in my cart, my ears caught some of the most negative words they had heard in a long while.

I couldn’t help but lift my eyes to see where they were coming from.

A woman, older than I, stood with her back to me, reading a food label. I couldn’t see her face, but by her words, I could tell she wasn’t happy.

Oh, the way she barked at her husband. His saddened eyes spoke volumes to me. I assumed he was used to these harsh words.

Words of discontent continued to spew from her lips. Nothing was right in the store, nor with the items on the shelves, nor with her husband.

Nothing was right in her world.

Sadness overcame my heart for her. “Oh, Lord. Bless this woman. Heal her hurting heart.”

As I’ve written numerous times, hurting people hurt people.

I couldn’t begin to guess this woman’s situation. Or the hurt she carried in her heart. I wasn’t going to judge, or condemn, or shake my head at her. I longed to say something… anything that might encourage her… to possibly uplift her spirits just a bit.

But instead I walked past and gave her the only thing I could.

I gave her my smile.

There have been days where someone’s smile, or a kind gesture, touched my heart. A friendly “hello” helped change my stinky attitude. An encouraging word lifted my eyes and my burdens.

Simple acts such as these may not appear to be important at the time, but we may never know the impact they make to the one on the receiving end.

Your simple act may be the lifeline someone in your life needs.Your simple act may be the lifeline someone in your life needs.

It was okay the woman didn’t smile back at me. My smile might not have done a thing for her. It’s possible she didn’t even notice it. I understood my smile wasn’t going to change her heart. Only Jesus can do that. But I believe any time we can brighten another’s day in any way we can, a heart can begin to soften. Including our own.

Friend, who in your life could use a simple act of kindness today?

Who at work could benefit from your smile?

Who on the freeway might be touched by your gesture of letting him or her in your lane?

Who might need your kind words spoken to him/her?

And, what simple act of kindness would remind your spouse or child how much you love him or her?

My prayer is for you and I to get in the habit of making simple acts such as these a part of our daily lives. Not for our glory, but for God’s.

That woman is still on my heart. I’ll continue to pray for her and her husband.

I’d love to hear from you…

What simple act of kindness can you show today? What have you done recently that impacted another for God’s glory?

God bless you, friend. Thank you for stopping in!

Much love,


Linking up with Kelly and friends at #RaRaLinkup and Holly and friends at #TestimonyTuesday. It’s a gift to be a part of such uplifting spaces. I encourage you to stop on by!

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  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Norman Vincent Peale suggested ‘shooting’ prayers at difficult people – saying sharply directed, very much-to-the-point prayers at folks who were kinda like your described lady.

    I’ve tried it, and while I didn’t have someone come bounding over to give me a warm hug (people do NOT hug me…I don’t look remotely huggable) the ‘target’ sometimes would rub the back of his or her head (I was usually behind them), and then look back over a shoulder…and the venom would leave the voice.

    Try it sometime. If nothing else, it’s fun.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Great strategy, Andrew. I’ve never had the rubbing the back of his or her head experience. Will have to pay more attention next time. You’ve made me smile today. Thank you!

  2. Katie M. Reid

    Yes, this, “Your simple act may be the lifeline someone in your life needs.” We were just the recipients of some simple yet sacred acts- dear friends fed us and helped us pack as we move, such a blessing. I want to remember their kindness and offer that kind of tangible love to others. So glad you linked up this post with the #RaRaLinkup Julie. 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi friend! So glad you stopped by. Thanks for helping host the #RaRaLinkup this week. I’m thanking God for how He blessed you through the simple acts of your friends. Love these! Bless you, friend. Have a beautiful day!

  3. Tara

    Julie, I’ve missed you friend! I smiled when I read that you were deciding what olives to put in your cart. I am an olive lover myself. I agree it is so sad that this woman was hurting so deeply. I hope your smile at least made a little difference. It truly is amazing how one simple act can change someone’s perspective. One of my favorite acts of kindness happened last August when my friend CT and her hubby RT let me stay at their house while they were on vacation. I too was on a vacation, but as CT reminded me, I live behind the church and people would know I was there if I didn’t leave so to the other side of town I went. At CT and RT’s house, they had left two of my fave bottles of wine in the fridge, pizza in the fridge and a note on the table that read “Make yourself at home.” Later that night when I went out to light their campfire pit, everything was all set up for me. All I had to do was light the match. A moment of kindness that will always be held in my heart. I try to share simple acts of kindness with those that I encounter every day; letting someone go in front of me at the checkout lane at the store etc. Thanks for always making me feel welcome here friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Oh, Tara, you blessed me here today. It’s good to read your words. (Can I just say I look forward to the day we meet in person??!!) I appreciate your story, and how your friends blessed you in both big and little ways. What tremendous gifts! May I never again allow life to get to rushed to continue to do the simple acts of kindness for others! Bless you, sweet friend. Much love to you today!

  4. Sheila Kimball

    Simple kindness, which seems to be so under-rated in our society, is of the utmost importance to people and relationships. LOVE IS KIND. may we all practice love and kindness to ever greater measure. Sharing this on my Sheila Kimball FB page. Good stuff, Julie.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Sheila. I, too, believe it’s something that is lost in today’s world. I’m hoping to change that, at least in my little corner of the world. Thank you for sharing and for stopping over. Blessings to you!

  5. Lux

    I believe no small act of kindness is too small that it can’t impact another person’s life. A simple smile is all it takes to make someone’s day. 🙂

    Beautiful reminder! 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Lux! I needed the reminder the most. Bless you and thank you for stopping by!

  6. Betsy de Cruz

    What a beautiful story, Julie! I love the “simple acts of kindness” mission. (Definitely sharing this later today.) You’ve got me thinking: some days I think the first people to start with are my kids. I’ve noticed that even if they’re grumpy, a small kindness on my part can change them!

    Welcome back from your trip! You did it! Awesome!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Betsy. It’s good to be back. The ride completely changed my perspective, and this “simple acts of kindness” mission has become my focus. Yes, starting with our family and moving outward can cause a ripple effect, for sure! I appreciate you, friend. Have a blessed day!


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