You don’t have to look too far to see how the subject of health is popping up everywhere. In the news, in conversations, on social media, and even in presidential campaigns this year. And let me tell you, I’m here for it. We get one life to live on this earth, and God in His Word encourages us to take care of what He has given us, including our health. But how do we go about doing that? Well, in this episode, I’m sharing some of my health journey, what I’ve learned–and am learning– and what I’m doing to better my health. I pray it inspires you to take a look at your own health, and that God will use my experiences to help another–maybe even you.

Let’s begin this episode with some alarming statistics. There’s nothing like shocking ourselves right out of the gate, is there?
- 74% of American adults are dealing with overweight or obesity.
- Close to 40% of children have overweight or obesity.
- 52% of American adults have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.
- 1 in 36 children are on the autism spectrum (up from 1 in 150 in the year 2000). This number is 1 in 22 in California.
- Nearly one in two Americans is predicted to get cancer in their lifetimes (41.6% chance). This is the first year America is estimated to have over 2 million new cases of cancer.
- Autoimmune diseases are rising rapidly, with some studies showing rates rising 3-12% annually.
- 20-25% of women are on an anti-depressant medication.
- Early onset dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have tripled since 2013.
Shocking, right?
What in the world is going on with our health?
Friend, sadly we are a sick society of people, and these stats compiled from Dr. Casey Means clearly display this.
Coming from someone who loves a good French fry and who can’t resist a warm chocolate chip cookie for the life of me, I get how difficult it is to get motivated to better our health. But we can do this, friend. We need to do this. The people in our lives need us to do this.
My intentional adventure to better my health began four years ago.
And what an adventure it has been. I share the highlights from where I was, what’s I’ve done since then, and where I’m at today.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 24-minute episode.
I pray this episode encourages you in your own adventure of health.
Links in this episode:
- Casey Means, MD, Newsletter #25: American Health is Getting Destroyed (and is simple to improve)
- 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (MSG)
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
- Proverbs 23:20-21 (Voice)
- Dr. Bradley Campbell (Instagram)
- The Food Babe (Instagram)
- Environmental Working Group
- The Teggatz Clinic
- Learn how to live undistracted with my books Right Now Matters and the Right Now Matters Bible Study
- Find hope and encouragement in my free Resource Library