I once was one who would turn my head and not care to see “those people.”
Maybe I didn’t want to see them, because in doing so, I’d have to do something about them. And I certainly did not want that!
“Why don’t they just get a job?”
“I’d be poor too, if I didn’t take charge of my life.”
How I wrongly judged those in need and those considered poor. It about makes me ill when I think back to how hardhearted I was back then.
But God didn’t leave me there.
He, in His infinite wisdom and power (and sense of humor, I might add), brought me face-to-face with those very people. He placed me in a position to serve Him by serving them, and to love Him by loving them. God transformed my heart, and taught me to love “those people.”
As we continue to peer into the life of the woman of Proverbs 31, I wonder if something like this happened to her? Or did she just naturally have the desire to “assist anyone in need” and “reach out to help the poor?”
Friends, it seems to me helping the poor and those in need was just as much a part of her life as taking care of her family and conducting business. Can you and I say that about ourselves?Â
When “those people” invited me into their lives, I became their friend. I learned of their stories, their hopes, their sorrows, their lives. I began to understand homelessness, poverty, mental illness and the such. It became clear to me for many to “just get a job” was a few inches away from impossible.
There are people in need all around us. Do we see them? Do we assist them? Or are we too wrapped up in our own lives to care?
There are numerous ways to reach out and help the poor. Do we help? Or do we leave it up to someone else?
Our responsibility to those in need is clear in God’s Word. Look up the word “poor” in your Bible. You’ll see what I mean. Two specific scriptures:
Proverbs 28:27 – Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.
Proverbs 29:7 – The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.
In what ways can we do this?
Give resources:
Food. Clothing. Shelter. Transportation. Make a meal. Donate to a ministry who serves those in need.
Give of your time:
Be someone to listen. Visit the nursing home or hospital. Volunteer. Pray with or read the Bible aloud to one in need.
Let’s allow the example of the Proverbs 31 woman to again spur us on to live a God-honoring life. It’s good to encourage each other in this way! Others are needing us.
Share your ideas below on helping those who are poor and in need. To someone else, it just might make all the difference!
God bless you today!
Each Wednesday it’s a gift to be able to gather and encourage one another here for Woman to Woman Wednesday. It’s also when I link up with friends Simply Beth for Three Word Wednesday (Help The Poor??) and Holley Gerth for Coffee for Your Heart.
We have all been guilty of the same….yes, so glad God does not leave us there! Blessings to you Julie:)
Yes, Crystal. I’m so glad God doesn’t leave us there in the ugly and awful stuff. Thank you for stopping by today. Have a blessed day!
Amen, Julie!
My heart is all about giving — especially when I remember how I was one of “those” people, and definitely still would be apart from Grace.
I have a page on my blog with five ways to give that don’t cost a dime: http://bit.ly/1l1ecWi
Love in Christ!
Hi Elise! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your link here. I’ll visit it today. I’m glad God has grown our hearts to give for Him! Apart from grace is a scary thought. Hugs to you today!
Visiting from Three Word Wednesday. Loved this post, and can relate so much to it. It is truly a work of the Lord in the heart that transforms us from self-centeredness to extending that love, grace and compassion to others. Thanks for such a beautiful reminder!
Hi Joy! Thank you for stopping in! That’s for sure…it truly is a work of the Lord. I wonder how I even had friends before I knew Him?? I think I was the queen of self-centeredness! I’m grateful He didn’t leave me that way. I’ll be over to visit your place soon. Thanks for your words of encouragement! Blessings to you!
It is so easy to look the other way and judge in this world. What a great list of ideas you gave!
Yes, it is so easy to look the other way and judge. I was pretty good at that! Thank you for dropping by today, Sarah, and for your encouraging words!
I know I still too often look the other way and that hurts to admit. Last summer I did befriend a homeless man who I would see every day as I drove home from work. I had passed him so many times and never stopped and one day I knew God was telling me it’s time to stop and cross the street. I only gave him a few dollars but I stayed and talked with him and prayed for him. I think he did more for my heart that day then I did for his. Your words were a needed reminder to stop looking the other way. Thank you for sharing with TWW. I am so glad you are joining us every week. Blessings.
Beth, it’s been a blessing for me to get to know you better through your blog and your writing. Thank you for sharing this story! I’m now always drawn to the homeless, and when I hear others reaching out to them, it warms my heart! I’m sure you impacted that gentleman, and I’m glad you were sensitive to God’s prompting. I’m enjoying TWW. Thank you for allowing me to join in. Hope you’re having a blessed week!