Trust In What We Can’t See

by | Jun 11, 2015 | Love God

Sometimes seeing is believing.

It’s easy to believe what we can see.

Like rain, sun, the miracle of a newborn baby. Test results, disasters, death. A paycheck, a friend, a hug of acceptance.

Yet, sometimes believing has nothing to do with sight.

I can’t see my Creator, but I know He exists. I see what He has created.

I can’t see my future, but I know I have one, and it’s going to be good.

I can’t see, necessarily, what God is up to, but I know He’s working behind the scenes on my behalf.

I can’t see God’s plan for my life, nor what I’m to do next (yes, I’m losing my job), but I believe it’ll be His best for me.

I can’t see heaven, but I’ll see it one day when God calls me home.

Just because I can’t physically see something, does not mean it doesn’t exist.

This is where faith comes in.

Hebrews 111 chalkboard

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1

At times our faith is stretched beyond its normal borders, and what we are left to cling to is what we can’t see. Hope. Belief. Trust. Promise. Faith.

You might be in that place today.

Trusting God for healing.

Clinging to the hope of a miracle.

Hoping God will work it out for good.

Praying for what seems impossible.

Believing your breakthrough is coming.

Seeking God for answers, wisdom, encouragement.

Standing on His promises, despite the desire to flee.

No matter what you and I are walking through today, friend, let’s trust in what we can’t see.

That may not seem normal or comfortable, I know. I’ve been there. I am still sometimes there. But there’s a peace that comes when you, in faith, trust God to handle your situation. You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t need the answers. God sees the beginning from from the end, and has it all planned out for you. Even when it doesn’t seem like it. Even when it doesn’t make sense. Even if it’s not working out in the way you’ve hoped.

Trust in what you can't see

God is with you. He loves you. He knows what’s best for you. Seek Him. Pull out your Bible and read Hebrews 11 to be encouraged by others who lived by faith. Then take His hand, and allow Him to lead you. Begin to walk this thing out. Trusting. Believing. Hope-filled. Encouraged. Loved.

And why not encourage another to do the same? Share how you are trusting in what you can’t see with others, with someone who is walking through a tough time, in the comments below. It would be an honor read your story and it would bless me encourage you.

I’m praying for you and for me today, as we trust in what we can’t see, together.

Much love,




Linking this post with Suzie and friend for #livefreeThursday. Visit Suzie’s blog home to be encouraged by her and others, and learn about the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study starting soon.


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  1. Lisa Brown

    Thank you for such a lovely post filled with truth. I’m so encouraged. It’s definitely a choice to live by faith. I’m hoping for better health, a breakthrough in my marriage, healed emotions. I’m so glad I read your post today. I needed your words today. I will be soaking in the things you have shared.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your thoughts and words. I’m praying for you and the circumstances you listed. God has you, and always will. May it bless you to know He’ll use what you are walking through all for good. His good. Continue to live by faith, friend.

  2. Karen Brown

    Julie- This was just what I needed today. Sometimes I get blinded by what’s before my eyes that I can’t see the invisible work and hope of God. I love Hebrews 11. Thanks for pointing me there today. Today, I’m trusting that God is doing a good work in my children- even when I can’t observe it. Love this- thanks!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m joining you in that trust today, Karen. God bless you in your motherhood, in your writing, in your life. You glorify Him beautifully! Thank you for stopping in and for your encouragement. You bless me always.

  3. Kim Stewart

    Oh Julie, isn’t it so hard to trust in what we can’t see. I know God has plans for my words but it seems to be changing and it’s hard to follow His lead when you can’t see where it’s taking you. Thanks for encouraging me today!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I couldn’t agree more. I’m thankful He continues to guide us, even when we can’t see where we’re going. I’m cheering you on today in your words and writing! Much love and blessings to you!

  4. ~ linda

    Julie, this is my second blog tonight that is reminding me of trusting in the One Who created me without ever seeing Him. Our senses are beautiful creations and allow us to feel, taste, see, touch, and hear, yet it is none of these with which we believe. It is the senses of our heart that holds the faith. I want that and want the innocence of sweet young Mary who believed and obeyed God as she carried His Son to birth. That is what I want my faith to look like.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Linda. Amen. God is speaking to us all. Glad we are listening to His still small voice. God bless you!


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