I’m stranded at home by myself tonight. If I wanted to go anywhere, it would have to be by foot. š
And I thought about taking a long walk tonight, but looking to the south and seeing the sky dark made me change my mind. Rain is approaching again. And I just heard thunder.
To our north, I see the field behind our home come alive with small green plants popping through the soil. Soon those little green plants will be full-grown stalks of corn…they’ll be so tall I won’t be able to see our town over them like I can now. I will miss not seeing the lit steeple of my childhood church each night. I’m also seeing a whole lot of water where it shouldn’t be…the creek is out of its banks again. My brother and our family own some of that land that’s covered with water. We really don’t need any more rain right now. And I am seeing ballpark lights behind the church at the softball field where I used to play ball. Thinking about that brings so many memories to mind…that’ll have to be another post.
And then to the west, I just stepped outside and snapped a picture…
Part of this sunset is beautiful to me, and part of it isn’t with those ominous-looking clouds above! And more thunder. I’ll stay inside the rest of the night.
Flooding is happening in many areas, and it reminds me of the beginning of the floods of 2008. I am praying for all of those who are being affected by these rising waters, and I pray for the waters to recede.
And an update on my post from last night…I chose not to hurry today. I didn’t hurry at any point…I took my time and enjoyed moments that I was walking through (not running through). This morning I prayed for God to help me be more still today, and He did! I’m going to go for day 2 tomorrow!
Have a great evening! If Ā you read this soon, take a look at the sunset now…it’s even more beautiful!