Thanksgiving 2013

by | Nov 28, 2013 | This Lefe Family

Happy Thanksgiving!

As my family and I are spending some time in the car this morning, I’m watching the countryside pass by me out our passenger side window. It’s sure a beautiful morning. Chilly, but beautiful.

My brother’s family is ahead of us in their van. I’m sure looking forward to spending time with family today. It’s going to be good for my soul.

As we travel along, listening too 100.3 The Bus radio station, thoughts have been filling my mind on all of God’s blessings that I have in my life. And there are many…too many to name.

I’m thinking of my husband. I could be a widow this Thanksgiving, and I praise God that I’m not. When Bill was hit by that car while riding his bike that Saturday in August, God could have taken him home. But He didn’t. He spared his life. Really…who lives after getting hit by a car?? Oh, I’m so thankful I still have my husband. And I’m thankful he loves me like he does.

I’m thinking of my children. God has blessed me with two of the most incredible kids. It’s an honor to be their mom. They each have wonderful gifts and talents. They each have a kind and generous heart toward others. They each love the Lord. And as far as I know, they are making positive choices with their lives. I love them so much.

I’m thinking about our extended family. I don’t know what I’d do without them. They continue to be our family’s “rocks” here on earth. I’m also thinking of the many people God has brought into my life, and how I’m thanful for each one.

I’m also thinking of my faith in Jesus this morning. Some probably think I share too much about my faith. Some have probably blocked me on Facebook because of what I share. And some probably choose not to read my posts anymore because I talk about Jesus and God too much. That’s all ok. This is who I am, and I can’t help but talk about the One who has rescued me and saved my life. The One who gave me hope again. The One who I will spend eternity with be cause He loved me before I first loved Him. I’m especially thankful for my faith in Jesus today. I would be nothing without Him.

And yes, I’m thankful for more than I’m sharing here. We all have much in our lives to be thankful for. I am thankful for you today. May God bless you and those you love, especially on this Thanksgiving.

Much love to you,

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